Destroying Western Values To Defend Western Values

So it turns out the US intelligence cartel has been working intimately with online platforms to regulate the “cognitive infrastructure” of the population. This is according to a new investigative report by The Intercept, based on documents obtained through leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, on the “retooling” of the Department of Homeland Security from an agency focused on counterterrorism to one increasingly focused on fighting “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” online.

While the DHS’s hotly controversial “Disinformation Governance Board” was shut down in response to public outcry, the Intercept report reveals what authors Lee Fang and Ken Klippenstein describe as “an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms” in order to “curb speech it considers dangerous”:

According to a draft copy of DHS’s Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, DHS’s capstone report outlining the department’s strategy and priorities in the coming years, the department plans to target “inaccurate information” on a wide range of topics, including “the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine.”

The report reveals pervasive efforts on the part of the DHS and its Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), along with the FBI, to push massive online platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to censor content in order to suppress “threats” as broad as fomenting distrust in the US government and US financial institutions.

“There is also a formalized process for government officials to directly flag content on Facebook or Instagram and request that it be throttled or suppressed through a special Facebook portal that requires a government or law enforcement email to use,” The Intercept reports.

“Emails between DHS officials, Twitter, and the Center for Internet Security outline the process for such takedown requests during the period leading up to November 2020,” says The Intercept. “Meeting notes show that the tech platforms would be called upon to ‘process reports and provide timely responses, to include the removal of reported misinformation from the platform where possible.’”

While these government agencies contend that they are not technically forcing these tech platforms to remove content, The Intercept argues that its investigation shows “CISA’s goal is to make platforms more responsive to their suggestions,” while critics argue that “suggestions” from immensely powerful institutions will never be taken as mere suggestions.

“When the government suggests things, it’s not too hard to pull off the velvet glove, and you get the mail fist,” Michigan State University’s Adam Candeub tells The Intercept. “And I would consider such actions, especially when it’s bureaucratized, as essentially state action and government collusion with the platforms.”

The current CISA chief is seen justifying this aggressive government thought policing by creepily referring to the means people use to gather information and form thoughts about the world as “our cognitive infrastructure”:

Jen Easterly, Biden’s appointed director of CISA, swiftly made it clear that she would continue to shift resources in the agency to combat the spread of dangerous forms of information on social media. “One could argue we’re in the business of critical infrastructure, and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure, so building that resilience to misinformation and disinformation, I think, is incredibly important,” said Easterly, speaking at a conference in November 2021.

Another CISA official is seen suggesting the agency launder its manipulations through third party nonprofits “to avoid the appearance of government propaganda”:

To accomplish these broad goals, the report said, CISA should invest in external research to evaluate the “efficacy of interventions,” specifically with research looking at how alleged disinformation can be countered and how quickly messages spread. Geoff Hale, the director of the Election Security Initiative at CISA, recommended the use of third-party information-sharing nonprofits as a “clearing house for trust information to avoid the appearance of government propaganda.”

But as a former ACLU president tells The Intercept, if this were happening in any government the US doesn’t like there’d be no qualms about calling it what it is:

“If a foreign authoritarian government sent these messages,” noted Nadine Strossen, the former president of the American Civil Liberties Union, “there is no doubt we would call it censorship.”

Indeed, this report is just another example of the way western powers are behaving more and more like the autocracies they claim to despise, all in the name of preserving the values the west purports to uphold. As The Intercept reminds us, this business of the US government assigning itself the responsibility of regulating America’s “cognitive infrastructure” originated with the “allegation that Russian agents had seeded disinformation on Facebook that tipped the 2016 election toward Donald Trump.” To this day that agenda continues to expand into things like plots to censor speech about the war in Ukraine.

Other examples of this trend coming out at the same time include Alan MacLeod’s new report with Mintpress News that hundreds of former agents from the notorious Israeli spying organization Unit 8200 are now working in positions of influence at major tech companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon (just the latest in MacLeod’s ongoing documentation of the way intelligence insiders have been increasingly populating the ranks of Silicon Valley platforms), and the revelation that The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté were barred from participating in a Web Summit conference due to pressure from the Ukrainian government.

RELATED: U.S. Empire Colludes with Big Tech to Manipulate Public Sentiment

We’re destroying western values to defend western values. To win its much-touted struggle of “democracies vs autocracies“, western civilization is becoming more and more autocratic. Censoring moreTrolling morePropagandizing moreJailing journalists. Becoming less and less transparentManipulating information and people’s understanding of truth.

We’re told we need to defeat Russia in Ukraine in order to preserve western values of freedom and democracy, and in order to facilitate that aim we’re getting less and less free speech. Less and less free thought. Less and less free press. Less and less democracy.

I keep thinking of the (fictional) story where during World War II Winston Churchill is advised to cut funding for the arts to boost military funding, and he responds, “Then what are we fighting for?” If we need to sacrifice everything we claim to value in order to fight for those values, what are we fighting for?

Dissent is becoming less and less tolerated. Public discourse is being more and more aggressively disrupted by the powerful. We’re being shaped into the exact sort of homogeneous, power-serving, tyrannized, propagandized population that our leaders criticize other nations for having.

If the powerful are becoming more tyrannical in order to fight tyranny, what’s probably actually happening is that they are just tyrants making up excuses to do the thing they’ve always wanted to do.

As westerners in “liberal democracies” we are told that our society holds free speech, free thought and accountability for the powerful as sacrosanct.

Our leaders are showing us that this is a lie.

The problem with “western values” is that the west doesn’t value them.

In reality, those who best exemplify “western values” as advertised are the ones who are being most aggressively silenced and marginalized by western powers. The real journalists. The dissidents. The skeptics. The free thinkers. The peace activists. Those who refuse to bow down to their rulers.

Our ongoing descent into tyranny in the name of opposing tyrants calls forth a very simple question: if defeating autocracy requires becoming an autocracy, what’s the point of defeating autocracy?

This article was originally published on Caitlin Johnstone’s Substack.

Biden’s Foreign Policy Sinking His Party & Ukraine

President Joe Biden is undermining his party’s congressional prospects through a deeply flawed foreign policy.

Biden believes that America’s global reputation is at stake in the Ukraine War and has consistently rejected a diplomatic off-ramp.  The Ukraine War, combined with the administration’s disruptions of economic relations with China, is aggravating the stagflation that will likely deliver one or both houses of Congress to the Republicans.

Far worse, Biden’s dismissal of diplomacy prolongs the destruction of Ukraine and threatens nuclear war.

Biden inherited an economy beset by deep disruptions to global supply chains caused by the pandemic and by former President Donald Trump’s erratic trade policies. Yet instead of trying to calm the waters and repair the disruptions, Biden escalated the U.S. conflicts with both Russia and China.

Biden attacked Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for expressing doubts on another large financial package Ukraine, declaring:

“They [House Republicans] said that if they win, they’re not likely to fund — to help — continue to fund Ukraine, the Ukrainian war against the Russians. These guys don’t get it. It’s a lot bigger than Ukraine — it’s Eastern Europe. It’s NATO. It’s real, serious, serious consequential outcomes. They have no sense of American foreign policy.”

Similarly, when a group of progressive congressional Democrats urged negotiations to end the Ukraine War, they were excoriated by Democrats following the White House line and forced to recant their call for diplomacy.

Stoked a Proxy War

Biden believes that American credibility depends on NATO expanding to Ukraine, and if necessary, defeating Russia in the Ukraine war to accomplish that. Biden has repeatedly refused to engage in diplomacy with Russia on the NATO enlargement issue.

This has been a grave mistake. It stoked a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia in which Ukraine is being devastated, ironically in the name of saving Ukraine.

The whole issue of NATO enlargement is based on a U.S. lie dating back to the 1990s. The U.S. and Germany promised Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would move “not one inch eastward” if Gorbachev would disband the Soviet Warsaw Pact military alliance and accept German reunification.  Conveniently — and with typical cynicism — the U.S. reneged on the deal.

In 2021, Biden could have headed off the Ukraine War without sacrificing any single vital interest of the U.S. or Ukraine.  U.S. security absolutely does not depend on NATO enlarging to Ukraine and Georgia.

In fact, NATO enlargement deeper into the Black Sea region undermines U.S. security by putting the U.S. into a direct confrontation with Russia (and a further violation of the promises made three decades earlier). Nor does Ukraine’s security depend on NATO enlargement, a point that President Volodymyr Zelensky acknowledged on numerous occasions.


Dec. 7, 2021: U.S. President Joe Biden, on screen during video call with Russian President Vladimir Putin. (, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the U.S. repeatedly since 2008 to keep NATO out of Ukraine, a region of vital security interests for Russia. Biden has equally, resolutely insisted on NATO enlargement. Putin made one last diplomatic try at the end of 2021 to stop NATO enlargement. Biden completely rebuffed him. This was dangerous foreign policy.

As much as many American politicians don’t want to hear it, Putin’s warning about NATO enlargement was both real and apt.  Russia doesn’t want a heavily armed NATO military on its border, just as the U.S. would not accept a Chinese-backed heavily armed Mexican military on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The last thing the U.S. and Europe need is a long war with Russia. Yet that’s just where Biden’s insistence on NATO enlargement to Ukraine has brought about.

The U.S. and Ukraine should accept three absolutely reasonable terms to end the war: Ukraine’s military neutrality; Russia’s de facto hold on Crimea, home to its Black Sea naval fleet since 1783; and a negotiated autonomy for the ethnic-Russian regions, as was called for in the Minsk Agreements but which Ukraine failed to implement.

Instead of this kind of sensible outcome, the Biden administration has repeatedly told Ukraine to fight on. It poured cold water on the negotiations in March, when Ukrainians were contemplating a negotiated end to the war but instead walked away from the negotiating table.

Ukraine is suffering grievously as a result, with its cities and infrastructure reduced to rubble, and tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers dying in the ensuing battles. For all of NATO’s vaunted weaponry, Russia has recently destroyed up to half of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

Sanctions Boomeranged

In the meantime, the U.S.-led trade and financial sanctions against Russia have boomeranged. With the cutoff of Russian energy flows, Europe is in a deep economic crisis, with adverse spillovers to the U.S. economy.

The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline further deepened Europe’s crisis.  According to Russia, this was done by U.K. operatives, but almost certainly with U.S. participation. Let us recall that in February, Biden said that if Russia invades Ukraine, “We will bring an end to it [Nord Stream].” “I promise you,” said Biden, “we will be able to do it.”

Biden’s flawed foreign policy has also brought about what generations of foreign policy strategists including Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski warned against: driving Russia and China into a firm embrace. He has done that by dramatically escalating the cold war with China at precisely the same time as he is pursuing the hot war with Russia.

From the start of his presidency, Biden starkly curtailed diplomatic contacts with China, stirred up new controversies regarding America’s long-standing One China policy, repeatedly called for greater arms sales to Taiwan, and implemented a global export ban on high-tech to China. Both parties have rallied to this destabilizing anti-China policy, but the cost is further destabilization of the world, and also the U.S. economy.

In sum, Biden inherited a difficult economic hand — the pandemic, excess Fed liquidity created in 2020, large budget deficits in 2020, and pre-existing global tensions. Yet he has greatly exacerbated the economic and geopolitical crises rather than solved them.

We need a change of foreign policy. After the elections, there will be an important time for reassessment. Americans and the world need economic recovery, diplomacy, and peace.

This article was originally published on Greanville Post and Consortium News.

Jeffrey D. Sachs is a university professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he directed The Earth Institute from 2002 until 2016. He is also president of the U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network and a commissioner of the U.N. Broadband Commission for Development. He has been adviser to three United Nations secretaries-general, and currently serves as an SDG Advocate under Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Sachs is the author, most recently, of A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism (2020). Other books include: Building the New American Economy: Smart, Fair, and Sustainable (2017) and The Age of Sustainable Development, (2015) with Ban Ki-moon.

Capitalism Has Failed As Badly As Anything Can Fail: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Listen to an audio reading of this article below:

Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone · Capitalism Has Failed As Badly As Anything Can Fail

“No no you don’t understand, this US war is completely different from all the other US wars. See, the US is intervening in Ukraine for humanitarian reasons. We’re fighting a bad guy who is an evil dictator that loves war crimes and genocide. Not like all those other interventions.”

If the US proxy war in Ukraine was meaningfully different from other US wars they would be justifying it using different arguments, not the exact same ones.

The war propaganda is airing reruns.

Western punditry is rife with op-eds arguing that the US needs to vastly increase military spending because a world war is about to erupt, and they always frame it as though this would be something that happens to the US, like its own actions would have nothing to do with it.

If World War 3 does indeed occur, it will be because the drivers of the US-centralized empire continued accelerating towards that horrific event while refusing every possible diplomatic off-ramp due to their inability to relinquish their goal of unipolar planetary domination.

Pointing out the various flaws in historical attempts at communism does not address the problem that if we don’t move from competition-based models to collaboration-based ones we’re going to destroy all life on this planet in short order. We’ve still got to find a way to change.

Have issues with Stalin and Mao? Okay. Cool. Our competition-based models are still destroying our biosphere and shoving us toward nuclear war. Our survival still depends on moving toward collaboration with each other and with our ecosystem toward the thriving of all beings. Babbling about Stalin and Mao doesn’t magically change the fact that we can’t keep doing this thing where human behavior is driven by profit and competition.

Leaving aside that many problems with communism have been wildly exaggerated and others are the direct result of sabotage and economic warfare by the capitalist empire, those criticisms never address the problem that capitalism has no solutions for our current existential crises. So we need systems which can address those existential crises. I see no models with any hope of sustainability that don’t involve a radical transition from competition to collaboration at every level. We will either accomplish that transition or we will go extinct. It really is that simple.

People tell me, “Capitalism isn’t perfect, but it’s the best system we’ve seen.”

It’s literally killing us. It’s brought us to the brink of extinction by environmental collapse or nuclear armageddon. That’s literally the worst failure that any system could possibly achieve. When your back is against the wall and your choices are between radical change and extinction, you’ve no other options but to try radical change. That’s the juncture we’re at right now.

The status quo political establishment has failed as spectacularly as anything could possibly fail. We could have a world of peace, equality, justice, health and harmony, but instead we’re marching toward dystopia and extinction. It is entirely within the reach of human potential to have a collaboration-based civilization where everyone works together toward human thriving. Our rulers have delivered only competition-based systems which do the exact opposite. They failed the test. Time for something new.

It doesn’t get any more fail than “Yeah we’ve competed ourselves into a situation where there might be a nuclear war that ends literally everything any minute now.” That’s the most fail you can have while still being alive enough to acknowledge the failure. The facts are in. They failed.

A system that fails to that extent does not deserve to exist, and should not exist. There are a whole lot more of us than there are of them, and if we can just shake each other awake from the propaganda-induced coma we’re all in we can force the creation of much better systems.

Mass media propagandists work so hard to discredit The Grayzone because they know that tomorrow it could be their own emails getting published revealing corrupt collusion with western officials and intelligence insiders.

Let yourself be happy. If you can’t do it for you then do it for the world. Refusing to let yourself be happy is just keeping that much happiness out of the world. It’s making it a worse place to live. Be happy.

Refusing to let yourself be happy just deprives the world of that much happiness. Refusing to let yourself be loved just deprives the world of that much love. Refusing to let yourself be at peace just deprives the world of that much peace.

Be happy. Not because you “deserve” it or any of that empty narrative fluff, but because the world is a hard place and any spark of happiness is sorely needed.

A Life Worth One Bullet

If you are a parent, there may be times when you think of your kids as little terrorists. At least jokingly. Lovingly.

But 13-year-old Faina Savenkova is considered a REAL terrorist in Ukraine, under the law which equates “info terrorism” with all other acts of terrorism.

What did Faina do? Did she blow up a building? Did she hijack a plane? Did she hold people hostage at gunpoint?

No. She voiced her opinions.

And for that, the child-writer from Donbass was placed on the notorious Ukrainian kill list known as Mirotvorets, “Peacemaker,” where her personal data — her home address and phone number — have been made public.

After all, to the nationalists who make Ukraine’s laws these days, Faina’s life is only worth one bullet.

I spoke with Faina last Thursday on Skype, along with Mira Terada, the chairwoman of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, a Russian humanitarian organization which is dedicated to exposing human rights abuses worldwide and has been investigating the Mirotvorets kill list.

I have grown to know both of these women quite well over the summer. Faina and I message each other almost every day. It’s easy to forget, sometimes, that she is only 13. Though she has the seemingly boundless energy children are blessed with, it is tempered with a serious mind and wisdom beyond her years.

But then, Faina has not had a childhood in the normal sense, and neither have any of the kids in the Donbass, who are labeled “Russian separatists” by mainstream media in the West, which dismissed Kiev’s 8-year-bombardment of them without much thought.

Ukraine’s nationalist, neo-Nazi militias have shelled the Donbass with artillery and airstrikes since the Maidan coup first tore the country apart in 2014. And Volodymyr Zelensky, a Western puppet who campaigned on a promise of ending the fighting in the Donbass, did nothing to stop it. In fact, the attacks escalated to the point where Russia finally intervened after years of stonewalled attempts to broker peace diplomatically.

To Believe and to Hope
by Faina Savenkova (Originally published in The Saker)
Translated by Scott Humor

Whenever someone asks me to describe life under Ukrainian shelling, I feel lost. Not only because I am still a child, and not simply because I have nothing to say. I just don’t know what they want me to say. Dry and indifferent reports of casualties and destruction? Certainly not. There is news for that. Personal feelings and experiences? That’s more difficult. What is a life during the war? Ordinary, if you don’t remember your peaceful life.

Many people may be horrified to realize that in the twenty-first century in the geographical center of Europe, there are children who don’t remember passenger jets flying high in the sky, walking across an evening city with their parents, or some other cute nonsense that other children don’t even notice.

The no-fly zone and the curfews adjust our lives. That’s why when we read about the riots in some European cities after an introduction of coronavirus curfew, it is puzzling: what is wrong? It’s just a curfew, nothing terrible, why does it bother them that much? The reason for our calmness is actually very simple: everything is known in comparison, and we have nothing to compare.

We are a generation that doesn’t remember a peaceful life. We are a generation that lives by strict rules, the failure of which might result in death. We learned how to determine the direction of the projectiles by ear, so that we know when to worry and when to continue going about our business. We have learned not to ignore the lectures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the rules of conduct during attacks, in case of detection of suspicious objects or other recommendations in various situations. And still, no one can guarantee that you won’t accidentally get hit by a shard because you’re just unlucky. Strange? Scared? Everyday life, with a small degree of difference depending on the intensity of the shelling of the territory.

What is life under Ukrainian shelling? It is the evening of June 1st, Children’s Day, when hundreds of paper lanterns soared into the sky at the memorials to commemorate the fallen children of Donbass and light the way for the angels. After all, it is difficult to explain to kids why these angels were robbed of their short lives, deprived of the opportunity to grow up and see the world in our homeland. Now they can only watch from the sky and cry while the adults comfort them.

Almost all of my life and memories are connected to the war, which is why I have no regrets and sadness about the past. I live in the present and occasionally think about the future, in which there is a place for a naive and stupid dream that causes a smile. Quite real, warming and almost tangible, it allows you not to despair even in the most difficult times. I want passenger planes to fly in the skies of Donbass, not paper lanterns. Any dream can turn into a reality. It must be so, and I believe it will be so.

Two weeks short of her 14th birthday, Faina is already an accomplished writer, with four books published, including two novels and two collections of short stories and essays. She is not a poet, though she is often referred to as one, much to her annoyance.

Faina is not shy about voicing her opinions in her writing. She speaks her mind with courage and conviction both in her published work and in her private correspondence. But on camera, she is reserved like many young girls, and she holds herself back. In time, she will grow more accustomed to the spotlight, but I wanted to do my part to make her more comfortable during our interview, so I decided to attempt it speaking Russian.

Unfortunately, my Russian is rather halting these days, and to be honest, it has only ever been conversational at best. Thankfully, Mira Terada was there to interpret what I could not, which was most of it. But Mira says that my stuttering attempt at Russian comforted Faina, so in that case it is worth a little personal humiliation for me to bring you this interview where I invited Faina to read the above essay and one other that she has written, aloud.

I hope that you will watch it despite my many stumblings.

FBI Announces Arrest of 13 Chinese “Spies”

On October 24th, 2022, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the FBI had arrested 13 Chinese citizens on charges including attempted bribery of an FBI official to gather information on an ongoing court case and trying to force other Chinese citizens to repatriate back to China. The court case in question reportedly involves Chinese tech giant Huawei, the world’s largest workers’ cooperative, which the US and Canada have sought to weaken through sanctions and the nearly three-year-long detention of its Chief Financial Officer, Meng Wanzhou. The Department of Justice’s charges of attempted forced repatriation stem from China’s ongoing “Operation Fox Hunt,” an effort to bring back and hold accountable officials convicted or accused of corruption and other crimes who have sought refuge overseas. 680 criminals were repatriated to China to face justice within the first six months, with countries across the world cooperating with China. The Chinese government’s effort to root out corruption is of course being spun by western media as another authoritarian crackdown, presumably so that it doesn’t resonate with Americans, most of whom report that they feel their government is corrupt. It is truly the height of hypocrisy for the US government to bemoan legitimate repatriation efforts by China, while at the same time remaining more determined than ever to extradite Julian Assange.

The United States in March 2021 accused Iran and Russia of meddling in the US election. This year it is the Communist Party of China that is increasingly in the imperial crosshairs as an alleged meddler in the internal affairs of the United States, instead of the other way around. At a press conference following the arrests, Attorney Garland proclaimed that, “each of these cases lays bare the Chinese government’s flagrant violation of international laws as they work to project their authoritarian view around the world, including within our own borders.” The Attorney General’s words did not comport with reality, however, given that it is the US and not China that continues to arm and fund neo-Nazi militias in Ukraine, has weaponized identity politics to disrupt an already heavily-sanctioned Iran, and launched another military intervention in Haiti to prevent a popular uprising there.

The United States is pursuing the latest national security priorities specified in the National Defense Strategy, Nuclear Posture Review, and Missile Defense Review, which the Pentagon released on October 27, 2022. The recent spying charges against the 13 Chinese nationals arrested recently appears to align with the major goals mentioned in the above report:

“The 2022 NDS identifies four top-level defense priorities that the Department must pursue to strengthen deterrence.

  • Defending the homeland, paced to the growing multi-domain threat posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
  • Deterring strategic attacks against the United States, Allies, and partners.
  • Deterring aggression, while being prepared to prevail in conflict when necessary – prioritizing the PRC challenge in the Indo-Pacific region, then the Russia challenge in Europe.
  • Building a resilient Joint Force and defense ecosystem. “

The United States is trying to ratchet up the pressure on China in any way it can, with new sanctions affecting US citizens working in China, and by arresting Chinese nationals they can target in the United States. Besides banning US citizens from working in the semiconductor field in China, the US is also now trying to pressure other countries not to sell China the materials needed for semiconductors. US and EU sanctions on Russia energy continue to wreak havoc in western Europe. How long until Japan, Australia and other Indo-Pacific nations face similar catastrophe from reduced trade with China as a result of bullying from the United States? The world has witnessed how the United States has cynically used Ukraine to further its geo-strategic interests and it must remain vigilant of the US fomenting a new crisis in Taiwan, one right out of Biden’s playbook.

Build the New Paradigm, Defeat Green Fascism: Human Optimism at the Brink of Nuclear War

In Manhattan on Saturday, October 15th, 125 mostly young people attended Schiller Institute’s youth conference, titled “Build the New Paradigm: Defeat Green Fascism.” Presenters included Schiller Institute and LaRouche movement members, journalists, and media figures from around the world. The shared message was overall one of hope for the future and optimism about the possibility of building a mass movement to steer our society away from nuclear war and “degrowth” toward a more prosperous, peaceful future.

“World Citizens of all countries, unite”

The keynote speaker of the morning panel was Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the International Schiller Institute, presenting virtually from Germany. She advised of the growing danger of nuclear war, which the US and NATO have inflamed by crossing Russia’s red lines and threatening to balkanize the federation. Invoking a prediction from her late husband Lyndon LaRouche, Zepp-LaRouche warned that if a new economic world order is not soon developed, the planet would escalate to new crises of economic depression, fascism, and a third world war. Her speech framed the rest of the day’s conference, juxtaposing Xi Jinping’s vision of a “shared community of the future of mankind” with Frederich Schiller’s concept of a “world citizen” and closing with a variation on the famous call from the Communist Manifesto:  “World citizens of all countries, unite — to stop World War III and create a better world.”

Jackson Hinkle spoke next on the “green fascism” driving the “Great Reset” agenda. He emphasized the moral imperative we have to increase energy production worldwide and provide universal access to basic essentials. Instead, energy crises are being self-inflicted such as the present in Europe resulting from the all-out economic war against Russia. Other neoliberal policies are laundered as “green” but merely increase people’s economic desperation. Burdened with debt, an energy crisis, and inflation, the average person has limited means or time to oppose such policies or even understand them when the media is controlled by those who benefit most from them.

“Why are developing and underdeveloped countries the only ones expected to risk their energy securities?”

Another speaker, Princy Mthombeni, founder of Africa4Nuclear, gave her perspective as a South African on on so-called “green” policies. African nations will be unable to assert their sovereignty or provide for their people if forced to comply with the G7’s Net Zero proposal. “Why are developing and underdeveloped countries the only ones expected to risk their energy securities?” she asked. She wondered why the US and other G7 countries, which have rejected these same proposals for themselves, would expect South Africans to step up as guinea pigs for their renewable goals. Indeed, as these countries pledged $8.5B to transition South Africa to green energy (with no pledge to increase nuclear power), Western-owned energy companies there continue to export coal to Germany. She emphasized that Africans need energy to industrialize, and the energy generated using only renewable forms is simply insufficient for the task at hand.

Rahma Nantongo, a contributor from Uganda, shared that the EU and environmentalists have been pushing to prevent completion of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). This pipeline would radically improve quality of life for many in Uganda, enabling many more households to cook with gas or electricity rather than fire or charcoal. Nantongo started the #Youth4EACOP hashtag on Twitter to show the strong support among Ugandans and Tanzanians for this new energy source. She is not opposed to clean energy, but added that Ugandans will need access to many diverse sources of energy to best improve living conditions in their country.

“If you want to get rich, you need to fix the road first.”

Continuing the theme of African infrastructure, Shexiu Huang of Guangdong University spoke on African/Chinese partnership for infrastructure development through the framing of addressing three issues holding back African industrialization: shortage of infrastructure, shortage of skilled labor, and shortage of capital. Both Huang and Mthombeni referenced the African Union’s Agenda 2063, a concrete plan to create an “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens, representing a dynamic force in the international arena.” This agenda’s stated goals include increased standards of living, infrastructure and modernization; increased education and civil institutions, and a united, decolonized, Pan African cultural renaissance. These are strikingly complementary to the Schiller Institute’s vision for the world as expressed through this conference: the ability for every person alive to develop to their full potential without being held back by poverty or underdevelopment; the development of new classical cultures that increase a sense of beauty and discovery; and global institutions that support peace, development, and sovereignty rather than war, imperialism, and colonization.

The gravity of our current geopolitical crises were not forgotten throughout the day, but the focus was on how those who understand our challenges can step up to address them. Jason Ross, executive director of the LaRouche Organization, and LaRouche Youth Movement members spoke on how their values address this challenges. Ross emphasized the need to develop a “joy of discovery” in young people. Children should be praised not for having the ‘correct’ views but rather to develop their own, through a process of discovery. Chicago Public Schools music teacher Dana Anex argued in her presentation that one great way to foster this mindset in students is through training in classical music. Children who grow up surrounded by poverty and violence often reach to the conclusion that “prosperity, safety, and beauty are not for them.” But Anex testified that she has seen her students develop increased self-discipline, curiosity, and problem-solving abilities with just less than a year of a music education focused on classical structure and fostering creativity.

The final speaker was LaRouche Youth Movement member Ashley Tran, who called on the US to end the Federal Reserve, replacing it with a Hamiltonian national bank; abolish federal agencies; leave NATO & G7 in order to strengthen international cooperative relationships; and ultimately, to join the Belt and Road initiative.

“The power of the human spirit to transcend death”

Second Panel:

The second panel focused on the origins of green ideology as well as how to overcome it. The afternoon was opened by keynote speaker and senate candidate Diane Sare, who linked the dark forces behind the 1950 Congress for Cultural Freedom to today’s mass indoctrination of people to adopt a pessimistic, dissociated view of self and humanity. Sare contended this deception has enabled the US government to lead the world to the brink of nuclear war, perhaps over it, while its citizens remain largely complacent or resigned to the emergency. However, an understanding of “the power of the human spirit to transcend death” as was expressed through African American spirituals, can penetrate this catatonia–arousing people to action, leadership, and radical change.

Sare was followed by Haz Al-Din, Marxist-Leninist influencer from the Infrared Collective, who expressed similar optimism in the human spirit. Al-Din described humanity’s choice as between whether to march onward, making discoveries and expanding the human species, or to sacrifice the potential of our species in the name of preserving the “universal subject” of our humanity. Risking extinction to pursue the highest limits of human possibility would, for Al-Din, be more dignified than limiting growth and industry, sacrificing pursuit of meaning and our very humanity in the process.

Schiller President USA Megan Dobrodt, commentator Fox Green and journalist Sameera Khan all spoke to the ways in which fascism and its eugenicist agenda were not defeated but only rebranded in the guise of putatively progressive, environmentalist politics. When AOC talks about the need to “decarbonize,” Khan said, she is talking down to China. Unsurprisingly, green energy policy has become another cudgel used to bash those countries resisting US hegemony and the so-called “rules based,” unipolar world order.

“End the animalistic liberal ideology”

The optimism for the human spirit to defeat green fascism and US hegemony was beautifully conveyed in a video message to the conference by Fouad Al-Ghaffari, a supporter of the Schiller Institute based in Yemen. His video featured a child, presumably Al-Ghaffari’s son, and was addressed to Helga Zepp-LaRouche as well as the youth across the world who have joined the movement. The message praised the BRICS bloc and the Belt and Road initiative as projects that “aim to end the animalistic liberal ideology.” Despite being subjected to a brutal genocidal war and blockade facilitated by the United States, Al-Ghaffari and his son managed to dress in makeshift astronaut uniforms. With beaming smiles, they expressed their devotion to “playing a creative role in humanity’s future and civilizational development,” on earth and in outer space.

The audience showed great appreciation for Jose Vega and Kynan Thistlethwaite, two LaRouche Youth Movement members who recently made national headlines after confronting AOC about her role in leading the US to the bring of nuclear war with Russia. Vega spoke about the imperative to act now, out of love, to change course away from nuclear war and toward a better future.

While LaRouche the man was smeared as everything from a cult leader to a fascist, and these accusations follow those who continue to spread his ideas, this conference armed participants with powerful ideas about how citizens across the world can better collaborate on mutually-beneficial infrastructure projects, and invigorated by the passion and positivity of the Youth Movement members. The Schiller Institute’s vision for infrastructure and creative development across the world is an antidote to fascism. It is a project dedicated to human innovation, creativity, and collaboration beyond the wildest dreams of those blinded by a reactionary “degrowth” mindset.

The Profoundly Stupid Narrative That Nuclear Brinkmanship Is Safety And De-Escalation Is Danger

Of all the face-meltingly stupid narratives that have been circulated about the US proxy war in Ukraine, the dumbest so far has got to be the increasingly common claim that aggressively escalating nuclear brinkmanship is safety and de-escalation is danger.

We see a prime example of this self-evidently idiotic narrative in a new Business Insider article titled “Putin’s nuclear threats are pushing people like Trump and Elon Musk to press for a Ukraine peace deal. A nuclear expert warns that’s ‘dangerous.’

“An understandable desire to avoid a nuclear war could actually make the world more dangerous if it means rushing to implement a ‘peace’ in Ukraine that serves Russian interests,” writes reliable empire apologist Charles Davis. “Such a move, which some influential figures have called for, risks setting a precedent that atomic blackmail is the way to win wars and take territory troops can’t otherwise hold, a model that could be copycatted by even the weakest nuclear-armed states, and may only succeed at delaying another war.”

Davis’ sole source for his article is the UN Institute for Disarmament Research’s Pavel Podvig, who is very openly biased against Russia.

“The West supports Ukraine with weapons and financial and moral and political support. Giving that up and saying that, ‘Well, you know, we are too afraid of nuclear threats and so we just want to make a deal’ — that would certainly set a precedent that would not be very positive,” says Podvig. “If you yield to this nuclear threat once, then what would prevent Russia in the future — or others — to do the same thing again?”

Like other empire apologists currently pushing the ridiculous “de-escalation actually causes escalation” line, Davis and Podvig argue as though nuclear weapons just showed up on the scene a few days ago, as if there haven’t been generations of western policies toward Moscow which have indeed involved backing down and making compromises at times because doing so was seen as preferable to risking a nuclear attack. We survived the Cuban Missile Crisis because Kennedy secretly acquiesced to Khrushchev’s demands that the US remove the Jupiter missiles it had placed in Turkey and Italy, which was what provoked Moscow to move nukes to Cuba in the first place.

Throughout the cold war the Soviet Union insisted on a sphere of influence that US strategists granted a wide berth to, exactly because it was a nuclear superpower. Even as recently as the Obama administration the US president maintained that “Ukraine, which is a non-NATO country, is going to be vulnerable to military domination by Russia no matter what we do.”

Nevertheless we’re seeing this new “escalation is safety and de-escalation is danger” narrative pushed with increasing forcefulness by imperial spinmeisters, because it would take a lot of force indeed to get people to accept something so self-evidently backwards and nonsensical.

“All of you who are saying that we have to give in to nuclear blackmail are making nuclear war more likely. Please stop,” tweeted Yale University’s Timothy Snyder recently. “When you give in to it, you empower dictators to do it again, encourage worldwide nuclear proliferation, and make nuclear war much, much more likely.”

Snyder, who has been photographed grinning happily with Ukraine’s President Zelensky, does not actually believe that people tweeting in support of de-escalation and detente will cause a nuclear war. He uses the newfangled buzzword “nuclear blackmail” to discredit calls for de-escalation and detente because he wants those who support de-escalation and detente to be silent. He says “please stop” solely because he wants peace advocacy to stop.

“Nuclear war comes because we’ve done too little not too much,” tweeted Alexander Vindman, a key player in advancing the Trump-Ukraine scandal, further pushing the narrative that greater escalation is where the safety is.

In response to a tweet by France’s President Macron saying “We do not want a World War,” a senior policy advisor for the US government’s Helsinki Commission named Paul Massaro tweeted, “Precisely this sort of weak, terrified language leads Russia to escalate.”

Imagine being so warped and twisted that you see that as a sane response to the most normal statement anyone can possibly make.

Meanwhile you’ve got idiots like Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger acting like they’re being brave tough guys by welcoming continual nuclear escalation while calling anyone who advocates de-escalation cowards:

The Nation’s Katrina vanden Heuvel somehow pulled off the heroic feat of getting an article advocating de-escalation published in the Washington Post with a piece titled “The Cuban missile crisis was 60 years ago, but it’s urgently relevant today.” Reminding us how close we came to total annihilation and how we only survived getting so recklessly close to nuclear war by “plain dumb luck,” she argues that humanity cannot risk going to the brink like that again.

“Humanity cannot afford to spin the cylinder again in this game of Russian roulette; we must unload the gun. Our only path forward is de-escalation,” vanden Heuvel writes.

Indeed it is. It’s absolutely insane that humanity is risking its own extinction over these games of empire-building and planetary domination when we’ve got so many other existential hurdles we need to focus on clearing.

This is all completely unnecessary. There’s nothing inscribed upon the fabric of reality saying states need to be waving armageddon weapons at each other. There’s no valid reason not to lay aside these games of global conquest and collaborate together toward a healthy coexistence on this planet.

We could have such a beautiful world. All the energy we pour into competition and conquest could go toward innovation that benefits us all, making sure everyone has enough, eliminating human suffering and the need for human toil. We’re trading heaven on earth for elite ego games.

There’s no valid reason we can’t move from models of competition and domination to models of collaboration and care. Collaboration with each other; care for each other. Collaboration with our ecosystem; care for our ecosystem. We’re throwing it away in exchange for senseless misery and peril.

This article was originally published on Caitlin Johnstone’s Substack.

Are Socialists Going to Let Neoliberals Define Fascism?

Gradualist trial and error won’t cut the mustard because a storm is brewing. In the conditions of our time, extremes are the only answer because capitalism has brought us to this point and neither liberal nor conservative solutions have worked.

he linear political spectrum is bankrupt! How does it explain why socialist China is making alliances with capitalist Russia and even with fundamentalist Saudi Arabia? Why is it that so-called socialist Social Democrats support imperialist United States rather than socialist China? Why is it that right-wing fundamentalist states like India and Brazil are supporting Russia and socialist China instead of being rabid anti-communists? The linear political spectrum is not just simplistic. it serves the interests of neoliberals and New Deal liberals as we shall see.

The Duopoly parties, reminds us the author, only show differences in style, not substance. Which suggests a deliberate fraud emanating from the fact they exist to serve only one class: the imperialist corporate class…

All over the world, centrist parties are losing elections. People are either not voting at all or they are voting for fascists. In some countries, people are voting for Social Democrats. The traditional choices between liberals and conservatives do not speak to world problems today. Additionally, just as centrist parties are collapsing (as depicted in the image above) so is the linear political spectrum model that serves as its visual description. The purpose of this article is to show how the linear political spectrum model fails to conform to actual world politics as they are practiced today.  We need a whole new spectrum model to do justice to the political and economic realities of today.

Linear Version of the Political Spectrum

In his textbook on Political Ideologies Andrew Heywood presents a linear perspective that looks like this:

Communism      Socialism      Liberalism    Conservativism       Fascism

There are many problems with this model. Let’s start with the more quantitative ones and then we will move to qualitative problems. Then I will provide lots of examples of how the linear political spectrum fails when applied to real-world politics of today. Lastly, I will show how this linear political spectrum really serves two points on the political spectrum: neoliberal libertarians and new deal liberals.

Quantitation problems

For one thing, to the left of communism should be anarchism. Anarchism has been a serious ideological movement for at least 200 years, beginning with William Godwin, and millions of people have fought and died for it. Secondly, within communism there should be delineated the different kinds of Leninism, including Trotskyism, Stalinism and Maoism. Third, it is unfathomable to have only kind of liberalism on this spectrum. There Is FDR liberalism but there is also centrist liberalism. But more importantly there is libertarianism that has no representation at all on the spectrum. Yet libertarianism has been predominant for over 40 years as an economic doctrine over most of the world. As we shall see later, it benefits libertarians to present themselves as more or less the same as New Deal liberals. Lastly, conservatism should also be divided into old paleoconservatives and new right-wing conservatives.

Qualitative problems

In contemporary Mordor politics, even this five-fold division of the spectrum is too much. The political spectrum consists of only liberals (Democratic Party) and the conservatives (Republican Party). Both socialism and communism is conveniently ignored even though thousands of people in Yankeedom claim to be socialists. The last time I checked, the Democratic Socialists of America had 90,000 people. Fascism was mostly ignored until the presence of Trump supporters brought fascism out of the closet of political scientists.

But are liberals (Democrats) and conservatives (Republicans) truly opposite from each other? Political sociologist William Domhoff says that in practice there are differences between the two when it comes to culture and politics (gun control) religion, race and  gender politics.

But where the two parties are the same is far more significant. These similarities have at least to do with:

  • Support of capitalism as an economic system domestically;
  • Agreeing never to discuss socioeconomic class in the way sociologists would;
  • Unwillingness to engage third parties in political debate;
  • Support of imperialism around the world;
  • Support of the installation of right-wing dictators;
  • Support of Israel elites despite 50 years of Zionist fundamentalism;
  • Opposition against socialism around the world whether it be Leninism or social democracy.

Furthermore, are the difference between political tendencies just matters of quantitative gradation (as in the linear model) or are there qualitative leaps which are not represented? Under the linear political spectrum, the difference between Social Democrats and New Deal liberals is presented as being quantitative or even identical when it is not. For example, Bernie Sanders whose policies are clearly New Deal liberal, could get away with saying he was a social democrat. A real social democrat historically is Eugene Debs. Debs clearly talked about class warfare and abolishing capitalism. This is not something New Deal liberals, including Bernie Sanders, ever talk about.

The part of the political spectrum that is socialist is a qualitatively different form of economic system.There is a qualitative leap. Social Democrats, the different kinds of Leninists and anarchists are bitterly divided among themselves over the place of state, market relations and the role of workers. Yet they agree that basic resources, tools and means of harnessing energy should be collectively owned and that capitalism cannot be reformed. All socialists believe that whether in the short-run or the long run, workers are capable of running society without bureaucrats, or managers.

Once the separation is made between those advocating socialism and those hoping to preserve capitalism, a chasm exists that is not represented on the political linear political spectrum.

What this means is that:

  • There are far more commonalities between liberals and conservatives than there are between liberals and socialists because capitalism divides them; and
  • There are far more commonalities between liberals and fascists than between liberals and socialists because both liberals and fascists support capitalism.

The Linear Political Spectrum is too Simple for Today’s Complex Politics

China forming alliances with non-socialist countries

These days there are some very complex political configurations that defy the linear political spectrum. For example, China, which claims to be socialist is forming alliances with countries that are clearly not socialist such as Russia, and a theocracy such as Saudi Arabia. According to the linear political spectrum model, China should only form alliances with other socialist countries like Venezuela and North Korea.

Social Democrats (socialists) forming alliances with imperialists

Secondly, the supposedly left-wing German Social Democrats and Greens and the Swedish Social Democrats have not lined up with China. If the linear political spectrum was accurate, Social Democrats would support Communist countries because they were fellow socialists. Instead, these Social Democrats have aligned themselves with right-wing Democrats of imperialist Yankeedom. [ This posture is actually old, its origins dating all the way back to the First World War, when Lenin asked Europe’s socialists, i.e., communists, in those days, as in Germany, calling themselves Social Democrats, to refuse participation in the imperialist war. The German SPD, the largest party in the country, refused the call and chose to heed the nationalist appeal. Since then, all social democrat parties —most notably those in Scandinavia and Germany—have been essentially capitalist collaborators, their programs basically reformist, or welfare capitalist, designed to stabilise and re-legitimate capitalism during its own self-inflicted economic and political crises.—Ed]

Right-wing governments support a socialist country

Thirdly, the countries that have supported Russia, and indirectly China, (moving towards a multipolar world against the imperialists) have been right-wing rulers such as Modi in India, Bolsonaro in Brazil and to a lesser extent, Viktor Orban in Hungary. The linear political spectrum would predict that right-wing states with fundamentalist fascists in power would be rabid anti-communists, but they are not – at least internationally. My claim is that the linear way of framing political life cannot do justice to the complexity of current political life

The Linear Political Spectrum Serves as an Ideological Tool to Support Two Points on the Spectrum – Either Neoliberals or New Deal liberals

The Recent elections in France

As many of you know, there was a recent election in France that was very close between Macron, Le Pen and the left wing candidate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Macron got 27% of the vote. Le Pen got 23% and the Mélenchon got about 21 ½%. The left-wing candidate failed by one point short of qualifying for the second round. So the French had to decide between the neoliberal Macron and the more conservative (or supposed fascist) Le Pen. Suddenly the neoliberal Macron discovers the linear political spectrum and presents himself, not as the center right candidate that he is, but closer to the Enlightenment values of New Deal liberalism. This is a prime minister who has presided over cuts to the French welfare system, tried to raise the retirement age and brutalized the Yellow Vests protesters for two years. Now he sings liberty, equality, fraternity. “Behold” this choir boy of Brussels, says “we have to watch out for the fascists.” It is true that Le Pen’s father was a fascist, but that doesn’t make her one. Is Le Pen’s stance against immigrants and refugees? Yes. But how does that compare with Macron in practice. Has he treated immigrants and refuges well? Hardly! Further, a comrade of mine who has lived in France for many years said that Le Pen’s program was considerably to the left of Macron. In addition, Le Pen was more likely to be pro-Russian. Sadly, the French people were tricked by Macron’s claim to define what fascism is and re-elected him. This is one case of letting a neoliberal define for socialists what a fascist is.

The Democratic Party defining what is and isn’t fascism

The Democratic Party has nothing to do with New Deal liberalism

In the 2016 election, the Democratic Party had a candidate who claimed to be a socialist. Every real socialist knew that Bernie Sanders was not a socialist and at best was a New Deal liberal. Since Lyndon Johnson the Democratic Party has slid from moderate left to center-right neoliberals. In 1985 Bill Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council moved consciously away from anything like the FDR program (see Century of the Self Part IV by Adam Curtis) and that includes the eight years of Chicago boy, Baraka Obama. In 2016, the party gave a resounding “no” to New Deal liberal Bernie Sanders as they have done for 50 years. However, the public was 50 years behind the times. When most people voted for a Democrat, they thought they were getting a New Deal liberal. For sixteen years (Clinton and Obama) the party kept disappointing them. The Democratic Party has used the public’s out of date picture of the linear political spectrum to shove austerity programs down the throats of people in the name of liberalism. The public still does not know the difference between a New Deal liberal and a neoliberal, but it knows that the Democratic Party gives them nothing and I predict they will vote them out next month and in 2024.

Not such strange bedfellows: neoliberalism is right next to fascism on the political spectrum

Many people do not understand how fascism occurs. It’s as if suddenly a charismatic leader arises politically without rhyme or reason and this provokes a mass hysteria with people temporarily losing their minds and swooning over the dictator.  The truth of the matter is that fascism is a product of a crisis of capitalism. There has been no fascism before the 20th century. Fascism began in the 1920s in response to a crisis in capitalism after World War I and throughout the twenties and into the 1930s. During such a crisis both liberal and conservative centrist parties lost credibility and withered, and the choices were either socialism or fascism. In fact, in the early thirties both the Democrats and Republicans wrote about how much they admired Hitler.

If the ruling party is a right-wing party, it is possible that a new deal liberal party might be a substitute for fascism, at least for a time. In Yankeedom, both Clinton and Obama provided nothing but wars and finance capital accumulation austerity for 16 years. Yet the public did not turn to fascism. But by 2016 the lower middle class and some working-class people had had enough and elected a fascist. Why? Because Trump promised to bring back American jobs and appealed to working class people who were pushed to the margins. Small businesses were even more difficult to start up and those that existed were struggling against the large corporations. Trump’s appeal was to economic issues. Meanwhile Democratic neoliberal Hillary Clinton haughtily called these lower middle class and working-class people “deplorables”. The party embraced identity politics and lost.

But fascism would not have won if the Democratic Party did not propose a New Deal liberal like Bernie Sanders. I’m convinced that had the Democratic Party gave Sanders their candidacy, he could have easily beaten Trump. What am I saying? The Democratic Party co-creates fascism by not running New Deal liberal candidates. My prediction is that with Uncle Mortimer as president almost two years in, by 2024 if Mordor is still standing, we will have a fascist president, whether it is Trump or someone else and the Democratic Party will be to blame. This is an example of a neoliberal party (Democrats) taking advantage of the public’s association of liberals with FDR to use that association to get themselves elected by carrying out a right wing-libertarian program.

Neoliberals support right-wing dictators and fascists internationally

Neoliberals in Mordor have supported right-wing dictators all over the world for 70 years. See William Blum’s book Killing Hope. In fact, the CIA is considered a liberal part of the Deep State. This doesn’t change whether Mordor’s regime is liberal or conservative. The most recent example is the Democratic administration’s support of Ukrainian fascists on and off for the past 70 years.

If the linear political spectrum were accurate neoliberalism would be right next to fascism on the political spectrum.  So, I am saying that the linear political spectrum supports the ideology of Neoliberalism by:

  • Denying its existence in the political spectrum by not including it as a category;
  • Implementing right-wing neoliberal policies while pretending its legacy is New Deal liberalism.

Centrism is Bankrupt in Extreme Capitalist Crises

The linear political spectrum also makes it appear that the middle of the political spectrum is politically superior because it is not extremist. [This is false, as Democrats and liberals in general represent a form of conscious fake moderation, while practicing an intolerant “extremism of the center”—Ed] It is “moderate,” not hysterical like fascism or communism. What this ignores is that when there are extreme economic, political or ecological conditions, the centrist political solutions  don’t work or are simply inaplicable. Indeed, the center doesn’t hold, it caves in. In certain periods of history to be a moderate is unrealistic. Gradualist trial and error won’t cut the mustard because a storm is brewing. In the conditions of our time, extremes are the only answer because capitalism has brought us to this point and neither liberal nor conservative solutions have worked. The linear political spectrum arose during naïve political times when economics was thought to be separate from politics and political scientists papered over these extreme conditions which they couldn’t or wouldn’t explain. We need a new non-linear political spectrum which:

  • Is inclusive of many more political ideologies than the five at the front of this article;
  • Is economic as well as political;
  • Accounts for qualitative leaps – which is the difference between socialism and capitalism;
  • Decenters the spectrum so that both moderate and extreme solutions would seem reasonable. This means that all political tendencies would have be seen as having pros and cons. The way it stands now, liberals and conservatives are seen as virtuous and communism and fascism are seen as having vices.
  • Flexible enough to make room for alliances between the extremes on the political spectrum such as China and Saudi Arabia, or between India (fundamentalist) and China. The spectrum should not be limited to ideologies that are next to each other on the political spectrum.

Bruce Lerro has taught for 25 years as an adjunct college professor of psychology at Golden Gate University, Dominican University and Diablo Valley College. He has applied a Vygotskian socio-historical perspective to his four books: From Earth-Spirits to Sky-Gods: the Socio-ecological Origins of Monotheism, Individualism and Hyper-Abstract Reasoning Power in Eden: The Emergence of Gender Hierarchies in the Ancient World Co-Authored with Christopher Chase-Dunn Social Change: Globalization from the Stone Age to the Present and Lucifer’s Labyrinth: Individualism, Hyper-Abstract Thinking and the Process of Becoming Civilized He is also a representational artist specializing in pen-and-ink drawings. Bruce is a libertarian communist and lives in Olympia WA. Bruce founded and co-edits the blog SOCIALIST PLANNING BEYOND CAPITALISM with his companion, Barbara MacLean.

The US Government Sees Silicon Valley As Part Of Its Propaganda Machine

The Biden administration is reportedly considering opening a national security review of Elon Musk’s business ventures which could see the plutocrat’s purchase of Twitter blocked by the White House, in part because Musk is perceived as having an “increasingly Russia-friendly stance.”

Bloomberg reports:

Biden administration officials are discussing whether the US should subject some of Elon Musk’s ventures to national security reviews, including the deal for Twitter Inc. and SpaceX’s Starlink satellite network, according to people familiar with the matter.

US officials have grown uncomfortable over Musk’s recent threat to stop supplying the Starlink satellite service to Ukraine — he said it had cost him $80 million so far — and what they see as his increasingly Russia-friendly stance following a series of tweets that outlined peace proposals favorable to President Vladimir Putin. They are also concerned by his plans to buy Twitter with a group of foreign investors.

The “group of foreign investors” the Biden administration is reportedly worried about oddly includes Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, who has already been a massive Twitter shareholder for years. The White House certainly never had a problem with foreign investors there before.

“Officials in the US government and intelligence community are weighing what tools, if any, are available that would allow the federal government to review Musk’s ventures,” Bloomberg writes. “One possibility is through the law governing the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States [CFIUS] to review Musk’s deals and operations for national security risks, they said.”

“Musk, the world’s richest person, has taken to Twitter in recent weeks to announce proposals to end Russia’s war and threaten to cut financial support for Starlink internet in Ukraine,” says Bloomberg. “His tweets and public comments have frustrated officials in the US and Europe and drawn praise from America’s rivals.”

“If the Twitter acquisition was to be reviewed by CFIUS for national security reasons, the agency could recommend to President Biden that he nix the deal — something Musk himself has tried and failed to do in recent months,” writes Business Insider’s Kate Duffy on the Bloomberg scoop.

Indeed Musk has already indicated that he’d find it funny if the Biden administration blocked his purchase of Twitter, a $44 billion buy that the Tesla executive has made every legal effort to back out of. But how revealing is it that someone could be forbidden by the White House from purchasing a giant social media company on the grounds that they’re not sufficiently hostile toward Moscow?

Neither Bloomberg nor any other mainstream members of the imperial commentariat appear to take any interest in the jarring notion that the US government could end up banning the purchase of an online platform because it views the purchaser as having an unacceptably “Russia-friendly stance.” Not only is it uncritically accepted that the US government mustn’t allow the purchase of a social media company if the would-be buyer isn’t deemed adequately hostile to US enemies, many mainstream liberals are actively cheering for this outcome:

This just says so much about how the US government views the function of Silicon Valley megacorporations, and why it has been exerting more and more pressure on them to collaborate with the empire to greater and greater degrees of intimacy. As far as the US empire is concerned, Silicon Valley is just an arm of the imperial propaganda machine. And empire apologists believe that’s as it should be.

None of this will come as a surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention to things like the drastic escalations in online censorship since the war in Ukraine began, including on Twitter, or the ongoing expansion of internet censorship protocols that were already well underway before this war started. It will also come as no surprise to people whose ears pricked up when the White House summoned top social media influencers to a briefing in which they were instructed how to talk about the Ukraine war. It will also come as no surprise to those who paid attention to the public outcry when it was discovered that the Biden administration was assembling a “disinformation governance board” to function as an official Ministry of Truth for online content, or when the White House admitted to flagging “problematic posts” for Facebook to take down, or when Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop October surprise in the last presidential race was done in conjunction with the FBI.

It is abundantly clear to anyone paying attention that Silicon Valley tech companies are a major part of the imperial narrative control system. The US empire has invested in soft power to an exponentially greater degree than any other empire in history, and has refined the science of mass-scale psychological manipulation to produce the mightiest propaganda machine since the dawn of civilization. Silicon Valley is being used to manipulate the way people think about world events via algorithm manipulation, censorship, and sophisticated information ops like Wikipedia in an entirely unprecedented way that is becoming more and more important to imperial control as the old media give way to the new.

Narrative control centers like Silicon Valley, the news media and Hollywood are just as crucial for US imperial domination as the military. That the US government is weighing intervention to stop the purchase of an online platform, because it lacks confidence that the would-be owner would reliably advance US information interests, is just the latest glimpse behind the veil at the imperial agenda to control human understanding and perception.

This article was originally published on Caitlin Johnstone’s Substack

Always Opposing The Last War But Not The Current One: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Those who hate Russia the most are the ones who embody everything they claim to hate about it: they’re all pro-war, pro-censorship, pro-propaganda, pro-trolling operations, and support Ukraine in banning political parties and opposition media. They are what they claim to hate.

Meanwhile those of us who oppose those things are told to “move to Russia”, even though we’re the ones advocating the supposed “western values” they claim to support while they’re doing everything they can to undermine them. They should move to Russia.

Western propaganda means people always oppose the last war but not the current war. The US provoking and sustaining its Ukraine proxy war is no more ethical than its invading of Iraq; it just looks that way due to propaganda. Ukraine isn’t the good war, it’s just the current war.

It is only by the copious amounts of propaganda our civilization is being hammered with that this is not immediately obvious to everyone. In the future (assuming we don’t annihilate ourselves first), the propaganda will have cleared from the air enough for people to see clearly and realize that they were lied to. Again.

The US indisputably deliberately provoked this war. The US is indisputably keeping this war going. The US indisputably benefits from this war while Ukrainians, Russians and Europeans get nothing but suffering from it. Empire apologists will admit to the latter in rare moments of honesty, as Matthew Yglesias recently did when he wrote the following:

The United States is using up a lot of military equipment in the war, but it’s being used for the purpose of destroying Russian military equipment. Since we were already fully committed to an anti-Russian military alliance, this is actually a really good deal for us. Basically, NATO equipment + Ukrainian lives are being traded for Russian equipment + Russian lives, which leaves NATO coming out ahead. That’s doubly true because NATO is much richer than Russia, so we win a long-term game of “everyone explode their weapons as fast as they can make them.”

Again, though, what makes that really true is that NATO material is killing Russian soldiers, while Russian material is killing Ukrainian soldiers. That’s a deal in our favor.

It’s easy to oppose the last war. It’s hard to oppose current wars as the propaganda machine is shoving them down our throats. Everyone’s anti-war until the war propaganda starts.

The fact that the White House is weighing a national security review of Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase because he’s perceived as having an “increasingly Russia-friendly stance” is an admission that the US government views large social media platforms as its own propaganda services.

There is no one who can be trusted with the authority to determine what constitutes “disinformation” or “misinformation” on behalf of large numbers of people. This is because we are not impartial omniscient deities but highly fallible, biased humans with our own vested interests.

This fatal logical flaw in the burgeoning business of “fact checking” and “counter-disinformation” is self-evident at a glance, and it becomes even more glaring once you notice that all the major players involved in instituting and normalizing these practices have ties to status quo power.

The idea that someone needs to be in charge of deciding what’s true and false on behalf of the rank-and-file citizenry is becoming more and more widely accepted, and it’s plainly irrational. In practice it’s nothing other than a call to propagandize the public more aggressively. You might agree with their propaganda. The propagandists might believe they are being totally impartial and objective. But as long as they have any oligarchic or state backing, directly or indirectly, they are necessarily administering propaganda on behalf of the powerful.

Question the assumption that people saying wrong things to each other on the internet is a problem that needs to be fixed. People have always said wrong things to each other. Untruth has always existed. We’ve managed. It’s not a problem we should want the powerful to fix for us.

Science should be the most collaborative endeavor in the world. Every scientist on earth should be collaborating and communicating. Instead, because of our competition-based models, it’s the exact opposite: scientific exploration is divided up into innovators competing against other innovators, corporations competing against other corporations, nations competing against other nations.

If we could see how much we are losing to these competition-based models, how much innovation is going unrealized, how much human thriving is being sacrificed, how we’re losing almost all of our brainpower potential to these models, we’d fall to our knees and scream with rage. If science had been a fully collaborative worldwide hive mind endeavor instead of divided and turned against itself for profit and military power, our civilization would be unimaginably more advanced than it is. This is doubtless. We gave up paradise to make a few bastards rich.

It’s not too late to have this, of course. We could still abandon our competition-based models for collaboration-based ones and create paradise on earth together; we’ve just got to want it badly enough as a species.

A collaboration-based society where everyone gets what they need wouldn’t just eliminate the inefficiencies and obstacles created by competition: it would free up the brainpower of our entire species to devote itself to innovation and discovery. As Stephen J Gould said, “I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.”

Poverty, inequality, the patent system, the need to earn money to survive, corporate competition, corporate secrecy, competition between states, state secrecy, war, militarism; all these drainages leave us with a tiny fraction of our available scientific potential. Overcoming the existential roadblocks we’ve set up for ourselves in our near future is going to require a tremendous amount of brilliance, and we won’t have access to that brilliance until we become a conscious species and move from competition-based models to collaborative ones.

This article was originally published on Caitlin Johnstone’s Substack

We’re Being Pushed Toward Nuclear War On A Fiction: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

We’re being driven toward nuclear war on the completely fictional claim that Putin is a Hitler-like megalomaniac who’s just invading countries completely unprovoked, solely because he is evil and hates freedom, and won’t stop invading and conquering until he’s stopped by force.

The news media aren’t telling people about the western aggressions which led to this war. They’re not telling people the US is keeping this war going with the stated goal of weakening Russia and is rejecting peace talks and refusing to push for peace. All people are being told is that Putin is another Hitler who won’t listen to reason and only understands violence. The world’s two nuclear superpowers are being pushed closer and closer to direct military confrontation based on a complete fiction which omits mountains of facts.

To participate in this madness is indefensible. It is indefensibly immoral to foist a fictional version of events upon a trusting populace in order to manufacture consent for more and more aggressive acts of brinkmanship with a nuclear superpower. These people are depraved.

“No no you don’t understand, if we weren’t being told constantly by the media that this proxy war needs our full support and censoring the voices who dispute this and using giant troll armies to swarm and silence anyone who questions this, we might fall victim to propaganda.”

“You’re not anti-war, you’re just anti-AMERICAN wars,” said the person who is loudly cheerleading America’s proxy war in Ukraine.

Warmongers don’t like being called warmongers when they support a US proxy war that was deliberately provoked by the US and is being sustained by the funding and facilitation of the US with the explicit goal of weakening a longtime geopolitical rival of the US. They get very upset when you point out the fact that they are doing this, and when people’s opposition to their warmongering is described as “anti-war”:

They very much prefer to pretend that this time the US is on the good and righteous side of a war, because in that imaginary world they’re the cool anti-fascists standing up to an evil tyrant and those who oppose their warmongering are the real warmongers.

“This time the US is on the GOOD side of a war! Also, goo goo ga ga I am a little baby with a little baby brain.”

The closer we get to nuclear war the less patience I have for sectarian spats between people who are supposed to be opposing war and militarism. Grow the fuck up and get over yourselves. This is more important than you and your ego.

Don’t let anyone tell you your criticisms of US warmongering make no difference; if they didn’t, the empire wouldn’t work so hard to dissuade you from making them. They work so hard to manufacture public consent for their agendas because they absolutely require that consent.

An entire globe-spanning empire rests on our closed eyelids. Depends on keeping us in a propaganda-induced coma. Circulating ideas and information which discredit and dispute that propaganda poses a direct threat to that empire. That’s what all the censorship of dissent is about.

Is your one tweet, video or public demonstration going to bring the empire crashing down? Of course not. But it will spread awareness by that much. And all positive changes in human behavior are always preceded by an expansion of awareness. You’re nudging us all toward awakening to whatever extent you help expand awareness of truth and reality.

We can’t be the Hollywood hero who single-handedly decapitates the machine, but we can all collectively throw sand in its gears, making it harder and harder for it to function. That’s what disrupting the imperial propaganda machine accomplishes, because that machine depends on propaganda. The weakest part of an empire that’s held together by lies and manipulation is its lies and manipulations; that’s why it’s such an aggressively protected aspect of its power. And it happens to be the one part that anyone with a voice can attack, and attack effectively.

The nightmare scenario for our rulers is the same as the nightmare scenario for every ruler throughout history: that the masses will get sick of their rule and use the power of their numbers to get rid of them. That’s exactly what the propaganda matrix is designed to prevent.

One aspect of this struggle that is a bit like a Hollywood movie is that it kind of is a struggle between light and darkness, because the empire depends on keeping its activities obfuscated and unseen while we’re all working to make its machinery visible and transparent. That’s why Assange is in prison. It’s also why internet censorship keeps ramping up, why propaganda is getting more and more blatant, and why online discussion is swarmed by astroturf trolling ops. Those in power are working against the people to keep things dark and unseen.

US Rejection Of Moscow’s Offer For Peace Talks Is Utterly Inexcusable

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Moscow was open to talks with the the US or with Turkey on ending the war in Ukraine, claiming that US officials are lying when they say Russia has been refusing peace talks.

Reuters reports:

Lavrov said officials, including White House national security spokesman John Kirby, had said the United States was open to talks but that Russia had refused.

“This is a lie,” Lavrov said. “We have not received any serious offers to make contact.”

Lavrov’s claim was given more weight when US State Department spokesman Ned Price dismissed the offer for peace talks shortly after it was extended, citing Russia’s recent missile strikes on Kyiv.

“We see this as posturing,” Price said at a Tuesday press briefing. “We do not see this as a constructive, legitimate offer to engage in the dialogue and diplomacy that is absolutely necessary to see an end to this brutal war of aggression against the people and the state, the Government of Ukraine.”

This is inexcusable. At a time when our world is at its most perilous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis according to many experts as well as the president of the United States, the US government has no business making the decision not to sit down with Russian officials and work toward de-escalation and peace. They have no business making that call on behalf of every terrestrial organism on this planet whose life is being risked in these games of nuclear brinkmanship. The fact that this war has escalated with missile strikes on the Ukrainian capital makes peace talks more necessary, not less.

This rejection is made all the more outrageous by new information from The Washington Post that the US government does not believe Ukraine can win this war and refuses to encourage it to negotiate with Moscow.

“Privately, U.S. officials say neither Russia nor Ukraine is capable of winning the war outright, but they have ruled out the idea of pushing or even nudging Ukraine to the negotiating table,” WaPo reports. “They say they do not know what the end of the war looks like, or how it might end or when, insisting that is up to Kyiv.”

These two points taken together lend even more credibility an argument I’ve been making from the very beginning of this war: that the US does not want peace in Ukraine, but rather seeks to create a costly military quagmire for Moscow just as US officials have confessed to trying to do in Afghanistan and in Syria. Which would explain why US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the US goal in Ukraine is actually to “weaken” Russia, and also why the empire appears to have actively torpedoed a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia in the early days of the conflict.

This proxy war has no exit strategy. And that is entirely by design.

Many have been calling for the US to abandon its policy of actively sustaining this war while avoiding peace talks.

“President Biden’s language, we’re about at the top of the language scale, if you will,” former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mike Mullen told ABC’s This Week on Sunday regarding the president’s recent remark that this conflict could lead to “Armageddon”.

“I think we need to back off that a little bit and do everything we possibly can to try to get to the table to resolve this thing,” Mullen said, adding, “As is typical in any war, it has got to end and usually there are negotiations associated with that. The sooner the better as far as I’m concerned.”

“One thing the United States can do is… drop the position, the official position, that the war must go on to weaken Russia severely, meaning no negotiations,” Noam Chomsky argued in a recent appearance on Democracy Now. “Would that open the way to negotiations, diplomacy? Can’t be sure. There’s only one way to find out. That’s to try. If you don’t try, of course it won’t happen.”

“It is time for the United States to supplement its military support for Ukraine with a diplomatic track to manage this crisis before it spirals out of control,” said the Quincy Institute’s George Beebe following the Monday missile strikes on Kyiv, calling it “a major escalation in the war” that was bound to “bring the world closer to a direct military collision between Russia and the United States.”

“The Americans have to come to an agreement with the Russians. And then the war will be over,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said at an event on Tuesday, adding that “anyone who thinks that this war will be concluded through Russian-Ukrainian negotiations is not living in this world.”

It’s absolutely insane that the world’s two nuclear superpowers are accelerating toward direct military confrontation and they aren’t even talking to each other, and it’s even crazier that anyone who says they should be gets called a Kremlin agent and a Chamberlain-like appeaser. Responsible Statecraft’s Harry Kazianis discusses this freakish dynamic in a recent article titled “Talking is not appeasement — it’s avoiding a nuclear armageddon“:

I have fought more than thirty combat simulations in wargames under my own direction for a private defense contract over the last several months, looking at various aspects of the Russia-Ukraine war, and one thing is clear: the chances of a nuclear war increase significantly every day that passes.

In every scenario I tested, the Biden Administration slowly gives Ukraine ever more advanced weapons like ATACMS, F-16s, and other platforms that Russia has consistently warned pose a direct military threat. While each scenario has postulated a different point at which Moscow decides to use a tactical nuclear weapon in order to counter conventional platforms it can’t easily defeat, the chances that Russia uses nukes grow as new and more powerful military capabilities are introduced into the battlefield by the West.

In fact, in 28 of the thirty scenarios I have run since the war began, some sort of nuclear exchange occurs.

The good news is there is a way out of this crisis — however imperfect it may be. In the two scenarios where nuclear war was averted, direct negotiations led to a ceasefire.

I repeat again that it is absolutely pants-on-head gibbering insanity that these direct negotiations are not already presently underway. Let us petition any and all higher powers we have faith in that this changes very soon. Let us also petition the leaders of our individual nations around the world to exert whatever kind of pressure they can muster upon Washington for these talks to commence. This brinkmanship threatens us all, and the managers of the US empire have no business playing these games with our lives.

Beware of Nuclear False Flag Blaming Russia

Dr. E. Michael Jones issued a disturbing warning on this week’s False Flag Weekly News:

Col. (Douglas) MacGregor was on some platform yesterday saying that there is no evidence whatsoever that the Russians are planning to use nuclear weapons. They don’t need to. They have overwhelming military superiority at the moment as they’re building up for the fall offensive. So it seems to me what we’re really talking about here is America setting off a nuclear bomb and attributing it to Russia. In case you didn’t notice, they did this already with the pipeline, so why wouldn’t they do it with a nuclear weapon?

Jones’ warning comes amid signs that the US leadership is actively considering nuclear war. Joe Biden recently announced that the world is on the brink of nuclear apocalypse. His government seems to be preparing for that eventuality:

On Wednesday, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that it would spend $290 million to secure an undisclosed quantity of Amgen’s blood disorder drug Nplate, which has been approved to treat blood cell injuries caused by acute radiation syndrome (ARS) in both children and adults.

The Union of Concerned Scientists agrees that a civilization-ending nukefest is closer than ever. Their Doomsday Clock is currently set to “doom’s doorstep”— 100 seconds from midnight. That is the worst “doom setting” since the Doomsday Clock was inaugurated in 1947.

Biden and the mainstream media are pre-emptively blaming Putin. They say that Russia is losing, growing desperate, and likely to resort to a nuclear strike.

But militarily experienced analysts like Col. Douglas MacGregor and Larry Johnson beg to differ. They point out that the vaunted Ukrainian advances are relatively insignificant. As Johnson writes:

Rolling across wide open plains represents a feel good moment, but this territory is not defensible once Russia decides to counter attack…Russia is baiting Ukraine to take territory and then face the task of trying to take a city Russia holds, such as Kherson…Ukraine will have to conduct a frontal assault on the city of Kherson and, in order to do this, will have to mass troops and equipment that will be easy targets for Russian artillery, missiles and bombs.

If Russia were really losing, wouldn’t the sanctions-flouting nations representing 85% of Earth’s population quickly capitulate to the US, cut off their trade with Russia, and beg for Uncle Sam’s forgiveness? And wouldn’t the Saudis and the rest of OPEC+ side with Biden rather than Putin? But that isn’t happening. On the contrary, it seems that most world leaders are betting on the Russians, not the Americans. They know the actual military score. They know that the pre-war Ukrainian military is mostly destroyed, that Ukraine has taken atrocious losses, and that the mad dashes against undefended empty plains are a desperate PR stunt, not a real threat to the success of the Russian SMO. The Russians are currently massing for their winter offensive, and when it comes, Ukraine will lose everything it has gained and then some, setting the stage for a decisive resolution to the conflict.

So it is the Ukrainians and their American neocon backers—not the Russians—who are desperate. How desperate? Well, Zelinsky wants the US to pre-emptively nuke Russia, that’s how desperate.

But the Americans know that’s impossible. You can’t just pre-emptively nuke the biggest nuclear power on earth without destroying yourself in the process.

There are signs that American officials are annoyed with Ukrainian loose cannons like “nuke ‘em first and ask questions later” Zelinsky. The New York Times recently published a barely-coherent article headlined “U.S. Believes Ukrainians Were Behind Darya Dugina Assassination” that appeared to be some kind of CIA message to the Russians, or the Ukrainians, or US vassals, or some combination thereof, insisting that “we Americans are really, really mad at the Ukrainian hotheads who killed Darya Dugina, and we’re worried about the Ukrainians doing more recklessly stupid things.”

The US government is the last entity on Earth that should be telling other people not to do recklessly stupid things. But this time they might have a point.

One extremely recklessly stupid thing Ukrainian hotheads might do is set off a nuclear false flag designed to be blamed on Russia. Maybe there is a faction of the CIA that doesn’t like that idea, and the New York Times article is a sort of pre-emptive strike against it.

In any case, if one or more radioactive mushroom clouds arises over Ukraine or its general vicinity, regardless of whether it was done by Ukrainian hotheads or US special operatives or their Polish stooges or Blackwater or the same guys who blew up Nordstream or the team that murdered Darya Dugina or the liars who dreamed up the Ghost of Kiev and the Foul-Mouthed Martyrs of Snake Island, it won’t really matter, because we all know the hysterical neocon propaganda media will blame Putin and bay in unison for his blood; Zelensky will demand immediate Armageddon; and generally all hell will break loose, figuratively and perhaps literally. If people believe the propaganda, we’ll be facing a World War III scenario.

That’s why it’s important to share this article and spread the news far and wide that if and when a nuke goes off, it will be the American-Ukrainian side, not the Russian side, that did it.

Kevin Barrett  is senior editor of Veterans Today.
This article was originally published on Greanville Post.

Stanford Hosts Fundraiser for Neo-Nazis

Most Americans have only encountered one perspective about the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, either through the corporate news or Big Tech social media platforms. On October 1st, 2022, Stanford University hosted recently-released POWs from the notorious Azov Battalion in an apparent bid to normalize the extremist group. Stanford’s own Center for International Security and Cooperation, which keeps an ongoing profile of the group, maintains that, “Azov, and the Ukrainian far-right more broadly, mixes classic right wing themes, including antisemitism, ethnocentrism, homophobia, and racism, with more populist economic proposals arguing for a greater role of the state in society.” The elite university recently had to apologize to Jewish students following an investigative report that found it had established quotas on Jewish students until the 1950s. Why not demand an even greater apology for the fact that Stanford has chosen to host neo-Nazi militants in the year 2022?

The Azov Battalion at Stanford’s Center for International Security and Cooperation

The Azov members, upon their release from a prisoner swap, arrived in the U.S. in September and have since conducted a propaganda tour across the United States to gin up dwindling support for the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Upon their arrival, the men were greeted by California Congressman Adam Schiff. Schiff, a Democrat and one of the main purveyors of the Russiagate hoax during the Trump administration, unsurprisingly has led the calls for the U.S. to continue funding and arming the coup regime it installed in Kiev in 2014. In fact, the Azov fighters received a bipartisan welcome from Congress members, though the meetings went virtually unreported in the mainstream press. Azovites Artur Lypka and Vladyslav Zhaivoronok spoke to a packed auditorium and displayed several neo-Nazi symbols during their presentation. The Stanford Daily’s Cameron Duran later glowingly recapped the event:

Between the moments of mourning and reverence, the event was full of joy, laughter and connection among the Ukrainian community. Several families with young children were in attendance, and some attendees brought flowers and flags for the speakers. Many wore Ukrainian-flag-colored accessories, T-shirts with slogans supporting Ukraine, flower crowns and bright-colored traditional clothing.

What actually occurred was Azov members fear mongering to impressionable youth in attendance that a loss for Ukraine will mean impending doom for the rest of Europe. Trying to evoke fear among the crowd, Zhaivoronok said “Ukraine is a gate, if it falls, that’s it.”

Since the special military operation began in February, anti-Russia hawks have pushed the narrative that a loss for Ukraine would spell disaster for NATO and the west. Yet it is Europe’s support for Ukraine and economic war on Russia that have led to its present economic and political crises. At Stanford, of course, the recent sabotage of Germany’s Nordstream pipelines and growing protests over energy prices were not topics of discussion. The event functioned as an Azov fundraiser, as speakers solicited donations from the crowd of college students via a QR code projected on the screen. The Azov fundraiser tour’s next stop has not been disclosed, but this is unlikely to be its last public appearance.

A projected QR code at the event leads to an Azov fundraising page

Russian ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antanov condemned Stanford’s decision to host the Azov militants. “It would appear that in its maniacal drive to tarnish and cancel Russia, the US is prepared to glorify Nazism,” Antanov said. The Azov Battalion’s fear-mongering tour to raise funds reveals their growing desperation. Western media reports have claimed for months that the Russian military is woefully backward and that Putin faces imminent humiliation. So why the sudden tour of Ukrainian POWs here in the U.S.? With the growing energy crisis in Europe, we should expect similar actions in the future by the State Department to normalize and manufacture support for its neo-Nazi puppet regime occupying Kiev.

Can the Big Lie Save the Sinking Western Kakistocracy?


A kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous people. The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century, fittingly in England, although it’s safe to say humanity has produced such regimes many times before. But is there any doubt that today’s leading “Anglo” cultures—the US and the UK—to name the leading alliance within what professional euphemists call ‘the West”, are nearly perfect examples of that?

As anyone with a modicum of alertness may have noted, all Western institutions are in steep decline, plummeting to their demise, from the political class to academia, to the complicit whore media, and the shrinking public space. In all established quarters, avoiding reality is an all-consuming task, because the truth about the West’s rapidly mounting problems is too discombobulating to admit, and dangerously deligitimating as far as the ruling orders are concerned. Frankly, their pedgree is nothing to brag about. The history of the “collective West” and their ruling elites is literally blood-soaked in non-stop internecine wars and exploitation at the industrial level. Feudalism was bad enough, but it took modernity and misused technology to industrialise the killing and destruction of just about everyhting standing.

So their promise has proven false, Faustian, in fact, and alarmingly short and stingy by history’s standards. Hence the evasions must continue. By this time, the West—unique in human history—has a fulltime, self-conscious machine solely dedicated to the manufacturing of false reality. The Big Lie, all the time. Mind you, this is not just generalized ignorance or the false ideology inherent in religion, for example. This is a whole apparatus of massive deception designed to inject false ideas about every important thing in this world right into every person’s mind. In the US, the leader in such dubious accomplishment, this happens from cradle to grave. It’s inescapable. That’s why it’s often said with undeniable accuracy that US Americans are the most brainwashed people on earth. Their political stupidity is legendary (now being increasingly matched by their cultural cousins across the Atlantic). Some would say we carry the prison in our own heads, and they would be right. For the ruling class types, what a nifty solution to the threat of real democracy, I might add. And by the way, need I say that deprogramming people is extremely hard?

But here’s the rub. No organism can long survive while ignoring its true environment, specially its own inner nature. And, unhappily for the reality evaders, the stench of the rot emanates from no other place than the West’s very core, its long worshipped organising principle: predatory capitalism, better known in polite society as “neoliberalism”.

Meantime, for reasons we can only celebrate, both Russia and China are gradually moving ever closer and deeper into socialism. (Iran is already a solid example of Islamic socialism). To the chagrin of those who claim that Russia is just capitalist, with the requisite crowd of verminous oligarchs to prove it, I have to say they are not looking closely enough—nor dynamically enough. In what direction is Russia really moving? Russia is and has long been far more “collectivist” in spirit than the US or the West in general. Today, she enjoys a “mixed economy”, with a huge socialistic component at its center—its energy and weapons industrial sectors—which provide precious stability and protection. This is liable to continue, and probably expand. China, under Xi, presents a roughly similar picture. The visionary anti-corruption leader has also taken stock of the future, and—as befits a man who never forgot the lessons of Marxism-Leninism—is moving sagely and decisively to purify Chinese society of capitalist viruses—as far as is feasible at this point. The object is to keep the capitalist disease from gaining ascendancy, or blocking the path toward Communism. Yes, it’s a long and difficult fight. Complicated by the constantly deforming weight and threats of US imperialism. But the enemy has been properly recognised and measures are being taken. The West, on the other hand—need we spell it?—remains frozen, delusional, sitting atop a virtual lake of complacency and Orwellian values fostered by ludicrous claims of moral, political, and civilisational supremacy.

But, folks, organic truths—following universal laws—care nothing for human conceits or subjective perceptions. So as the narcissist West’s tough contradictions pile up day after day, increasing the pressure on the system’s containment membranes and reinforcing each other, the tipping points are approaching fast, or may have already been passed. Probably the only thing that keeps this old con job afloat is its momentum and the gianormous fantasy machine it has long relied on. These props may prove insufficient to neutralise the oncoming crisis. With the torrent of problems fully self-inflicted by the Ukraine war, everything has been suddenly aggravated well beyond the mediocre ability of the West’s handlers to cope, and disaster now really seems inevitable.

Not surprising, therefore, to watch the West’s power centers under siege. And this time the cavalry won’t come. There are no statesmen of FDR caliber to save capitalism from itself, and in any case, in FDR times capitalism still had some structural breathing room. Today, with the digital revolution, that space is gone, and the most lethal contradiction of capitalism, its terminal illness, the overproduction crisis, is here to stay.  This aspect, with its threat, nay, certainty, of mass unemployment unless capitalist social relations are completely overhauled (thereby negating capitalism!) to acommodate the new technological reality, is by far the most cataclysmic aspect of these developments. In fact, the system’s stability has rarely been threatened by widespread corruption only by systemic problems. The Great Depression with its armies of the unemployed, is a good case in point. The poor were not so much shaken into combativeness by the pervasive corruption and brutal inequality they saw all around—feudalism had taught them to expect this as a God-ordained reality—but by the prospect of lacking even a meager livelihood. In a system where—at the end of the day—people only subsist if their labour is useful to someone to make a profit with, we sit on a collective razor’s edge.

The ruling billionaires—whimsical, petulantly childish, and poorly-educated—unidimensional characters like most businessmen, along with their legions of cowardly, sycophantic advisers and political front men, have no solutions. How could they? For one thing, this mob is still trying to balance a pyramid on its apex. Flash Alert: This is not in the pyramid’s nature. They constantly seek cures to capitalist symptoms using the capitalist playbook. Ever heard of “pollution rights”? Yea, in the age of neo-environmentalism, when everyone is at least somewhat conscious that we need to treat nature with far more care, if not filial love, there’s a thriving pollution rights market. Obviously, this is the behaviour of the functionally insane, or terminally corrupt: both of which have been fully normalised into the current status quo. So you can bet your last dinar that they’ll be there trying that kind of idiotic game until the whole edifice crumbles on their heads. Problem is, we’ll get hit, too, and probably pretty bad, unless we do something. After all, no ruling class—no matter how rotten and depraved— ever left the stage of history of its own volition.

Today’s ruling class is certainly no different, and judging from its psychopathic willingness to consume all life on this planet in successive nuclear fireballs just to assure its victory, way worse than anything that came before. But why do we submit to that? With plenty of talent in every conceivable direction, we are still the overwhelming majority. Isn’t it time to put forward a completely new program for humankind? The only problem with that, and it remains a huge one, is that throughout the kakistocratic West, especially in the Anglo lands, there is no real left worthy of the name. Only a pseudo left, a synthetic left, plus the usual complement of treacherous liberals and socdems of various stripes.  All of which leaves the masses virtually leaderless, in the hands of anarchists and other spontaneists and opportunists the regime, though certifiably rotten, can still manage to outlast. As for the far more enthusiastic legions on the Right, they too, offer no real exit from this swamp. Many misguidedly believe that the solution is hyperindividualism, that is, more and “better” or “purer” capitalism, which is simply delusional, and downright ahistorical. Others, following an old meme of the Right, think the colossal mess we face was produced by the influence abroad or in our midst of nefarious aliens. Wholesale escapism by denouncing “the other”, while tempting to many, is a fools’ recipe, the stuff of putrid demagoguery. Disaster is assured, not to mention another round of unspeakable crimes. And still no real solution.

So we are at a most interesting juncture. A promising, far healthier world is rising in the East and the Global South. The “West” is hellbent on blocking it. Is humanity capable of learning how to fight while on the march? And how do we neutralise the Big Lie machine keeping the global kakistocracy afloat? The answers to these questions will determine the fate of the planet. If we fail, the world may end as a result of something truly grotesque and vastly inglorious, done in by the evil spell of imperialist propaganda. Does it get any more absurd than that? —P. Greanville

This article was originally published on Greanville Post.

Donbass Documentary Film “8 Years Before” Premiers

Attention comrades!

The Revolution Report’s groundbreaking documentary film 8 Years Before about the lives of the Donbass people before Russia’s Special Military operation is finally complete! It stars Editor-in-Chief of The Revolution Report Donald Courter and international heavyweight fighting champion Jeff Monson, who traveled across Donbass to understand how ordinary people there lived throughout Ukraine’s war of attrition, as well as how people’s republics’ leadership guided them through those dark times.

The film will premiere on October 22 at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern time.  You can watch on YouTube at this link when the premier starts, or watch the film at We hope you enjoy our first documentary film – one year in the making, completely independently funded, and most importantly a vessel of truth in a media landscape plagued by lies.

Please sign up for our mailing list below to get notified when the premier is about to begin.

In solidarity,

Donald Courter

Editor-in-Chief of The Revolution Report

“Peaceful modernization”: China’s offering to the Global South

President Xi Jinping’s work report at the start of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) this past Sunday in Beijing contained not only a blueprint for the development of the civilization-state, but for the whole Global South.

Xi’s 1h45min speech actually delivered a shorter version of the full work report – see attached PDF – which gets into way more detail on an array of socio-political themes.

This was the culmination of a complex collective effort that went on for months. When he received the final text, Xi commented, revised and edited it.

In a nutshell, the CPC master plan is twofold: finalize “socialist modernization” from 2020 to 2035; and build China – via peaceful modernization – as a modern socialist country that is “prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious” all the way to 2049, signaling the centenary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

The central concept in the work report is peaceful modernization – and how to accomplish it. As Xi summarized, “It contains elements that are common to the modernization processes of all countries, but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context.”

Very much in tune with Confucian Chinese culture, “peaceful modernization” encapsulates a complete theoretical system. Of course there are multiple geoeconomic paths leading to modernization – according to the national conditions of any particular country. But for the Global South as a whole, what really matters is that the Chinese example completely breaks with the western TINA (“there is no alternative”) monopoly on modernization practice and theory.

Not to mention it breaks with the ideological straitjacket imposed on the Global South by the self-defined “golden billion” (of which the really “golden” barely reach 10 million). What the Chinese leadership is saying is that the Iranian model, the Ugandan model or the Bolivian model are all as valid as the Chinese experiment: what matters is pursuing an independent path towards development.

How to develop tech independence

The recent historical record shows how every nation trying to develop outside the Washington Consensus is terrorized at myriad hybrid war levels. This nation becomes a target of color revolutions, regime change, illegal sanctions, economic blockade, NATO sabotage or outright bombing and/invasion.

What China proposes echoes across the Global South because Beijing is the largest trade partner of no less than 140 nations, who can easily grasp concepts such as high-quality economic development and self-reliance in science and technology.

The report stressed the categorical imperative for China from now on: to speed up technology self-reliance as the Hegemon is going no holds barred to derail China tech, especially in the manufacturing of semiconductors.

In what amount to a sanctions package from Hell, the Hegemon is betting on crippling China’s drive to accelerate its tech independence in semiconductors and the equipment to produce them.

So China will need to engage in a national effort on semiconductor production. That necessity will be at the core of what the work report describes as a new development strategy, spurred by the tremendous challenge of achieving tech self-sufficiency. Essentially China will go for strengthening the public sector of the economy, with state companies forming the nucleus for a national system of tech innovation development.

‘Small fortresses with high walls’

On foreign policy, the work report is very clear: China is against any form of unilateralism as well as blocs and exclusive groups targeted against particular countries. Beijing refers to these blocs, such as NATO and AUKUS, as “small fortresses with high walls.”

This outlook is inscribed in the CPC’s emphasis on another categorical imperative: reforming the existing system of global governance, extremely unfair to the Global South. It’s always crucial to remember that China, as a civilization-state, considers itself simultaneously as a socialist country and the world’s leading developing nation.

The problem once again is Beijing’s belief in “safeguarding the international system with the UN at its core.” Most Global South players know how the Hegemon subjects the UN – and its voting mechanism – to all sorts of relentless pressure.

It’s enlightening to pay attention to the very few westerners that really know one or two things about China.

Martin Jacques, until recently a senior fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University, and author of arguably the best book in English on China’s development, is impressed by how China’s modernization happened in a context dominated by the west: “This was the key role of the CPC. It had to be planned. We can see how extraordinarily successful it has been.”

The implication is that by breaking the west-centric TINA model, Beijing has accumulated the tools to be able to assist Global South nations with their own models.

Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, is even more upbeat: “China will become a leader of innovation. I very much hope and count on China becoming a leader for innovation in sustainability.” That will contrast with a ‘dysfunctional’ American model turning protectionist even in business and investment.

Mikhail Delyagin, deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, makes a crucial point, certainly noted by key Global South players: the CPC “was able to creatively adapt the Marxism of the 19th century and its experience of the 20th century to new requirements and implement eternal values with new methods. This is a very important and useful lesson for us.”

And that’s the added value of a model geared towards the national interest and not the exclusivist policies of Global Capital.

BRI or bust

Implied throughout the work report is the importance of the overarching concept of Chinese foreign policy: the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its trade/connectivity corridors across Eurasia and Africa.

It was up to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin to clarify where BRI is heading:

“BRI transcends the outdated mentality of geopolitical games, and created a new model of international cooperation. It is not an exclusive group that excludes other participants but an open and inclusive cooperation platform. It is not just China’s solo effort, but a symphony performed by all participating countries.”

BRI is inbuilt in the Chinese concept of “opening up.” It is also important to remember that BRI was launched by Xi nine years ago – in Central Asia (Astana) and then Southeast Asia (Jakarta). Beijing has earned from its mistakes, and keeps fine-tuning BRI in consultation with partners – from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Malaysia to several African nations.

It is no wonder, that by August this year, China’s trade with countries participating in BRI had reached a whopping $12 trillion, and non-financial direct investment in those countries surpassed $140 billion.

Wang correctly points out that following BRI infrastructure investments, “East Africa and Cambodia have highways, Kazakhstan has [dry] ports for exports, the Maldives has its first cross-sea bridge and Laos has become a connected country from a landlocked one.”

Even under serious challenges, from zero-Covid to assorted sanctions and the breakdown of supply chains, the number of China-EU express cargo trains keeps going up; the China-Laos Railway and the Peljesac Bridge in Croatia are open for business; and work on the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway and the China-Thailand Railway is in progress.

Mackinder on crack

All over the extremely incandescent global chessboard, international relations are being completely reframed.

China – and key Eurasian players at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS+, and Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) – are all proposing peaceful development.

In contrast, the Hegemon imposes an avalanche of sanctions – not by accident the top three recipients are Eurasian powers Russia, Iran and China; lethal proxy wars (Ukraine); and every possible strand of hybrid war to prevent the end of its supremacy, which lasted barely seven and a half decades, a blip in historical terms.

The current dysfunction – physical, political, financial, cognitive – is reaching a climax. As Europe plunges into the abyss of largely self-inflicted devastation and darkness  – a neo-medievalism in woke register – an internally ravaged Empire resorts to plundering even its wealthy “allies”.

It’s as if we are all witnessing a Mackinder-on-crack scenario.

Halford Mackinder, of course, was the British geographer who developed the ‘Heartland Theory’ of geopolitics, heavily influencing US foreign policy during the Cold War: “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World.”

Russia spans 11 time zones and sits atop as much as one third of the world’s natural resources. A natural symbiosis between Europe and Russia is like a fact of life. But the EU oligarchy blew it.

It’s no wonder the Chinese leadership views the process with horror, because one of BRI’s essential planks is to facilitate seamless trade between China and Europe. As Russia’s connectivity corridor has been blocked by sanctions, China will be privileging corridors via West Asia.

Meanwhile, Russia is completing its pivot to the east. Russia’s enormous resources, combined with the manufacturing capability of China and East Asia as a whole, project a trade/connectivity sphere that goes even beyond BRI. That’s at the heart of the Russian concept of Greater Eurasia Partnership.

In another one of History’s unpredictable twists, Mackinder a century ago may have been essentially right about those controlling the Heartland/world island controlling the world. It doesn’t look like the controller will be the Hegemon, and much less its European vassals/slaves.

When the Chinese say they are against blocs, Eurasia and The West are the facto two blocs. Though not yet formally at war with each other, in reality they already are knee deep into Hybrid War territory.

Russia and Iran are on the frontline – militarily and in terms of absorbing non-stop pressure. Other important Global South players, quietly, try to either keep a low profile or, even more quietly, assist China and the others to make the multipolar world prevail economically.

As China proposes peaceful modernization, the hidden message of the work report is even starker. The Global South is facing a serious choice: choose either sovereignty – embodied in a multipolar world, peacefully modernizing – or outright vassalage.

Pepe Escobar is a columnist at The Cradle, editor-at-large at Asia Times and an independent geopolitical analyst focused on Eurasia. Since the mid-1980s he has lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore and Bangkok. He is the author of countless books; his latest one is Raging Twenties.
This article was originally published on Greanville Post.

Towards a Communist Theory of the Emotions

History of the emotions

“Emotions” are one of those words that everyone thinks understand until you press them with questions. Broadly speaking, Western philosophers have not thought well of emotions. It was not until the time of the Romantics at the end of the 18th century that the tide turned in favor of the emotions. Here is a history of how the leading lights of the West thought of emotions. For most of Western history:

  • Emotions were thought of as coming from supernatural forces outside the psyche. It was only in the second half of the 19th century that emotions were thought about as physiological
  • Emotions had no separate categorization of its own. It was rolled up into temperament and passions.

Plato was as distrustful of emotions as he was of pleasure. Emotions were part of appetite and a lower form of humanity. Rationality and mathematics were believed to be true. Aristotle, as he often did, struck a balance and said that reason and emotion went together. The Stoics, including Seneca, understood the passions to be dangerous and the cause of imbalances. Reason should put passions in their place. St. Augustine distinguished emotions of human frailty from emotions of God. Reason was separated from emotions since emotions could not be trusted. For Hobbes, the passions are bodily sensations and are the primary sources of action, which prompt both war and peace. Passions could go in two directions. One way was towards an object which was appetite and the other was away from object, which was aversion. Respite from passions make rational decisions possible and the basis for a social contract. Descartes, as most of us know, separated the mind from the body and believed emotion had no place in the mind, which was rational and mathematical.

The status of the emotions began to improve with Spinoza who wrote that both the mind and the emotions were part of nature. Locke added that emotions could be positive as well as negative and added the empathy people have with each other. Hume warned against the rising tide of passion, saying that passions controlled reason. Hume did not think that reason drove emotions. Rather, reason was just a calculator for a way out of predicaments that the passions had created. Rousseau championed natural feelings as more reliable than reason and despised “factious or sham feelings produced by civilization”.

How well do you know what emotions are?

To demonstrate how people’s understanding of emotions can be more confusing than you might suspect, try responding to the following statements below. Except for the eighth bullet, try to decide if each statement is mostly true, conflicted or mostly false. Don’t take more than a minute to answer each one, as my point for this article is to examine your spontaneous answers to these statements. After you’ve marked the bullets true or false, give a reason or two which justify each answer. Then answer bullet eight with a paragraph. The first part of this article is designed to address your answers before discussing other topics. Here are the statements:

  1. Feelings and emotions are the same thing.
  2. Emotions are irrational and are the opposite of thoughts.
  3. Emotions are biological and out of our conscious control.
  4. Emotions happen first and thoughts follow in order to explain them.
  5. Negative emotions such as hostility and venting (screaming and throwing things) get those emotions out of your system so they don’t build up.
  6. Changing your interpretations of thoughts about events that happen to you can change your emotions.
  7. A two-year old cannot feel angry.
  8. What kind of conditions might exist in which you wouldn’t know how you feel?
  9. In general, women are more emotional than men.
  10. Emotional ranges are universal regardless of one’s social class.
  11. Non-verbal body language, like gestures and postures, are truer expressions of emotions than what people tell you about their emotions.
  12. Regardless of the type of society, if a heterosexual woman finds her husband in bed with another women it is natural to feel jealous.

 A Cognitive Theory of the Emotions

Are feelings and emotions the same thing?

Usually people use the terms “feelings” and “emotions” interchangeably. I think this is a loss of a great opportunity to differentiate physiological states of arousal (feelings) from cognitive interpretation of events (emotions). While most feelings are biological and out of our control, (fight-flight, pleasure-pain; frustration-contentment), our emotions are under our control. But what do I say, as a counselor, when a member of my Men Overcoming Violence support group says to me “but my anger is out of my control. What do you mean I have control of them?”. Feelings like dry mouth, sweaty palms, headache simply start the process. Which emotion results from these bodily conditions depends on how the physiological state is interpreted. One interpretation is a panic attack. Another is anxiety while still another is anticipating the happy unknown of a wedding ceremony.

Emotional reactions from thick to thin

In order to have interpretations, the person has to give meaning, and in order to do that the person has to think.  “Wait a minute” the participant in Men Overcoming Violence, says “when I get angry it happens very fast, I don’t think about which emotion to have, I just have them. How do you explain that?”. The problem is many of us think of thinking as thick – weighing the pros and cons of buying a pair of pants or trying to understand what is causing a leak in the pipe. We have less practice imagining thinking that is thin and happening quickly. How do we account for differences in the speed in which we think?

A child is not given a universal set of emotions which, like buttons, the child pushes on and off. She has physiological states of arousal and the child is slowly taught how to translate that state of arousal into emotions like hurt, confusion, or sadness. The time it takes to have an emotion is mediated by the set of interpretations the parent socializes in the child. As the child reacts to situations, the situations become more familiar, so both the thinking process and the emotional go faster. Soon the emotion is unconscious and automatic. It becomes so habitual that it seems “natural, that is, biological. No emotion is biological. Feelings are biological, emotions are ontogenetic (part of individual development), social, cultural and historical, as we shall see.

Emotional reactions from thin to thick

In the last section I said there that as people are presented with situations that are familiar and predictable their emotional reaction speeds up and eventually becomes unconscious. But what are the conditions under which your emotional reactions will slow down? This can happen when a person is put in an increasingly unusual situation. For example, suppose I broke up with someone I loved after five years. We had differences over wanting children, where we wanted to live and how much money we expected each other to make. So we break up. It is a relatively small town and we are at the point where the last thing either of us wants to do is run into each other. But errands are errands, so I head for downtown. In the distance about three blocks away I think I see her. I duck inside a storefront and watch as the figure moves towards me. How do I feel? Sad, disappointed, angry but relieved. I am frozen in place. Then I see another figure is joining her and they hold hands. Now I am filled with new emotions. Outrage, as I decide not enough time has passed by to justify this. Was she seeing this guy while we were still together? What the fuck?? It gets worse. About a block away I see her partner is a woman. Now all the gaskets are blown. Fortunately, the store front was a clothing store that I can enter to possibly avoid running into them. Fortunately for me she and her girlfriend don’t come in. I flee the scene for home. Do I know how I feel? There is only so much complexity that can be integrated. I friend calls later in the afternoon to see how I am doing. He asks, “how are you feeling?”. My true answer is that I don’t know how I feel. It will probably take me a few days to answer a question like this coherently.

Are emotions irrational and the opposite of thoughts?

Emotions are not irrational and the opposites of thoughts. There are rational and irrational thoughts, not rational or irrational emotions. Irrational thoughts are things like, “my boyfriend is cheating on me because he is talking to a female neighbor for 30 minutes. I am jealous”. The thought is irrational because the woman is jumping to specific conclusions without much evidence. Being jealous is only irrational because the thought is irrational. If the same woman claims that her husband is flirting with the neighbor and might be sleeping with her because she has many experiences of her husband having had casual sex is rational. Here, in this situation, the emotion of jealousy is rational. All emotions follow thought. Emotions are rational or irrational just as thoughts are. Feelings are biological and prerational but only emotions can be irrational or rational

Are emotions biological and out of our control?

Emotions are neither biological nor out of our control. Emotions are ontogenetic, social cultural and historical. Having a particular emotional reaction may be hard to change but that does not mean they are out of our control. As an Italian American man, I am socialized to express anger rather than hurt, sadness or confusion first. Can that be changed? Yes, but it requires a great deal of psychological work. Many men in the Men Overcoming Violence program learned how to do that, but it took them 40 weeks of meeting once a week for two hours. On the wall we had a large list of emotions on a 5×10 foot piece of butcher paper. At the top were seven kinds of emotion. But underneath each emotion there were seven other emotions going from strongest to weakest intensity. Every time a man in the program said he was angry, we would insist that he include at least 2-3 other emotions so he could become aware of the emotional variety of his emotional states that he was unaware of up to that point.

Thoughts precede and create emotions

As is probably obvious by now emotions don’t come first and thoughts follow. First comes interpretation of what events mean and then the emotion follows. The order is:

  • Interpretation of what the situation means – dangerous/safe; structured/loose;
  • Feelings sweaty palms, dry-mouth, heart racing;
  • Emotion – fear, anger, disappointment.

Does the hydraulic theory of emotions work?

Allowing yourself to vent—yell, scream and throw things does not make you have less emotion. What it does is help you form a habit of escalating to the point where it gets easier and easier. “Getting it of your system” is part of an old way of looking at emotions called the “cathartic theory of the emotions” that goes all the way back to Aristotle. It has been called the “hydraulic” theory because it pictures emotions as rising up like water in a bathtub which will overflow if it is not drained. Freud had this theory and so did humanistic psychologists like Fritz Perls during the early 1970s. Reichian therapists would give people tennis rackets and have them flail the couch of the therapist, hoping to get their anger out of their system. It was not until the 1980s when cognitive psychologists argued that emotions don’t work that way (see Carole Tavris, Anger, the Misunderstood Emotion).

Emotions emerge over the course of ontogenesis moving from simple to complex

Is anger present from birth or is it the product of a developmental process that only arises at a certain age level? Some theorists of emotion claim that there are universal emotions such as surprise, disgust, love, hurt, sadness. My point here isn’t to claim what the right batch is. Rather it is to say whatever the right batch is, it takes time for them to emerge. So to the question can a two-year old express anger, my answer is no. Let me give an example. If you are watching a two-year-old child play with a toy and you get up and put a barrier in front of the toy and you watch the child try to figure out how to get around the barrier to the toy the child may be frustrated, but they are not angry at you. In order to be angry the child has to perceive that there are a certain social roles and rules that are normal. Anger comes over the violation of these rules. If the child was six years old and you again placed a barrier between them and their toy, chances are good they would be spending more time challenging why you put the barrier up than they would trying to overcome the barrier. Why? Because as the child’s parent, it is highly unusual for you to behave in such a sadistic way. There are complex emotions like jealousy, envy and revenge which require the mastery of rules and roles before they make sense.

How Emotions are Socialized 

Are women more emotional than men?

At least in Yankeedom, it is common to say that women are more emotional than men. This is really not the case at all. Socially, women and men are given a range of emotions that it is safe to express and another set that is more or less forbidden.

If we start out with straight women and straight men we can say, women are taught to express a wider set of emotions such as sadness, hurt, fear, confusion, humiliation and love. Men are socialized to be angry, brave and courageous. What is interesting is that if a woman crosses the line and expresses forbidden emotions, she is threatened by being called gay or a lesbian. We all know that when a woman is assertive at work she is called a bitch. On the other hand, can you imagine how a male attendant at a gas station would feel if after finally agreeing with his wife that they were lost came into the store and said:” I feel embarrassed, humiliated and confused because I can’t figure out how to get to such-and-such a place”? The guy might not give him the correct directions right away. He may first say “Get hold of yourself, man”.

There are at least two ways to think about having an emotion. The first is emotional impression and the second is emotional expression. An emotional impression is when an emotion is registered internally. An emotional expression is whether you decide to express the emotion to someone else. Often, women may express emotions more. But that does not mean women are more emotional than men.

Expression of emotions and social class

It is not true that all classes in capitalist societies have the same range of expression of emotions. In the first place, it matters what kind of religion the social class is committed to. If we consider the differences between men and women and we examine Catholic working-class women and men we will find they will express a greater range of emotions than the Protestants will. The protestant working class (at least the white working class) tend to be shut down emotionally.  Working-class men and women generally have a hard life and it makes sense they will have thicker skins.

Middle-class men and women have better jobs that requires less armoring. They will be more open emotionally than the working class. This is amplified by how committed middle-class people are to therapy. Out-to-lunch, class-oblivious, humanistic psychology proclaims that the more open the person, the healthier they are. They fail to understand that if you live in rough neighborhoods, attend rough schools and take orders from a boss all day long, it pays to have a thick skin.

Upper-middle-class men generally are the happiest in their work. Women in upper-middle-class positions at work have to be more careful, since they are in danger of being called a bitch for asserting their authority. They also have to be careful about being labelled as too emotional at the slightest turn.

The upper classes are generally old money conservatives. Both men and women tend to repress emotions and they generally feel that the very expression of emotion is bad taste. They carry on an aristocratic tradition which prides itself in never breaking down, whether in love or war.

Happiness and social class

Socialists would be very happy with the results of research about which social classes are happy and which aren’t and why. It seems intuitive to say that the upper classes are happier than the working class because they have an easier life. But research shows that this isn’t quite the case. What we know for sure is that money does bring happiness when money delivers the working class into a middle-class position. However, there is no necessary correlation that money buys happiness as one moves from the middle class to the upper class. It is not predictable that upper-class people will claim to be happier than those who are middle-class. All this means is that when money provides the foundation for a good life, people respond well. But beyond the middle class there is no correlation between money and happiness. To say money can’t buy happiness is not true. Happiness can increase as we ascend from poor to the middle class. A formula for a good economic social policy is that if you want happier people, try to make all workers middle class.

Differences between classes in becoming civilized and becoming disciplined

As we will see shortly when we discuss the history of emotions, the process of becoming civilized brought with it a whole different range of social and psychological emotions. But for now we want to ask, does the process of becoming civilized apply to all social classes from the 17th through the 19th centuries? In my book Forging Promethean Psychology I argue that the working class and the poor in absolutist states or nation-states never became civilized, but they did become disciplined.

How was becoming disciplined different from becoming civilized? The first difference had to do with the population in question. Becoming civilized was the psychogenetic socialization process of the middle and upper classes. Being disciplined mostly applied to the working class and the poor. The second difference was in the types of influences used. The process of becoming civilized involved softer influences such as rhetoric, charisma, symbolic power, and legitimacy. Discipline, at least initially, involved hard influences such as physical force, the threat of force (coercion), economic deprivation, politics, and later, legitimation.

The third difference was the direction of the class forces operating. Becoming civilized, as Norbert Elias writes was a competitive process for status among classes who were roughly equal – aristocrats, merchants, and intellectuals. Becoming disciplined initially involved top-down orders. Poor or working-class people had to obey the authorities or face consequences. Discipline came from the top: Calvinist and Lutheran theologians to their parishioners; from military authorities to their soldiers; and from the state to its subjects.

Following Elias, becoming civilized in the courts of Europe involved a new set of emotions for aristocrats such as shame, embarrassment, superiority and envy. For the working class under disciple, they had another set of emotions; fear, suspicion, paranoia and guilt. It is easy to think classes in other societies had the same set of emotions, but this is not true. Elias says that the situation in 16th and 17th century Europe was unique.

Cross-Cultural Emotions: How They vary from society to society

Collectivism vs Individualism

In his book Cultural Psychology, Steven J. Heine reports that broadly speaking individualists of industrial capitalist societies are more likely to express emotions than collectivists and they are certainly more likely to express negative emotions. This is not hard to understand. People in collectivist societies are interdependent upon each other and consider most as extended kin at work and in their villages. They cannot afford blow-ups. On the other hand, because the relationships between individuals in industrial capitalist societies are short-term and appear voluntary (following social-contract theory), they are more likely to tolerate a falling out.

Another common distinction is between cultures of honor (herding societies) and cultures that are not (farming societies). As has been pointed out in the book Cultures of Honor herders are far more suspectable to insult because: a) their wealth is mobile rather than stable; b) their population is sparse; and c) they have no protection from the state in terms of land disputes. Farmers are more likely to tolerate insult because their wealth in land is stable, they can count on the state for intervention and the land is densely populated. They are less likely to settle disputes with duels or shoot-outs. The differences between southerners and northerners in the United States follows.

Finally, Ruth Benedict characterized the difference between shame cultures and guilt cultures. Shame is embarrassment at letting the group down. Guilt has little to do with groups. Guilt is remorse over a volition of a law, or a holy book. Puritans show a great deal of guilt. She also made a distinction between Dionysian cultures which are expressive and Apollonian cultures which were more reserved.

Analogical messages: gestures, postures

Most people well understand that it is necessary to do emotional work on the job and at home. Emotional work means a) showing emotions you do not have and; b) hiding the emotion you do have. This is especially true in customer-service work. However, people also imagine that their analogical communication (gestures, postures) is somehow less deceptive and imagine they are a more reliable gage than verbal expression of emotions. But cross-cultural research shows this is not the case. For example, Yankees may think that the A-Okay sign is universally recognized when among Southern Europeans, it is a crude gesture. In our Men Overcoming Violence group, a Yankee man innocently propped up his feet on a stool in front of an Iraqi man sitting across the way. He soon found out the showing the sole of one’s foot to someone from Iraq is the greatest insult. If there are gestures and postures that are universal, they are few and far between. They may be harder to hide than the verbal expressions but their origins lie deep in the local context of the culture which vary from region to region.

Cross-cultural nature of jealousy

The following is paraphrased from the textbook Invitation to Psychology by Carole Wade and Carol Tavris. A young wife leaves her house one morning to draw water from the local well, as her husband watches from the porch. On her way back from the well, a male stranger stops her and asks for some water. She gives him a cupful and then invites him home for dinner. He accepts. The husband, wife and guest have a pleasant meal together. In a gesture of hospitality, the husband invites the guest to spend the night with his wife. The guest accepts. In the morning the husband leaves early to bring home breakfast. When he returns, be finds his wife again in bed with the visitor. At what point in this story will the husband feel angry? The answer depends on the culture.

  • A North American husband would feel very angry at a wife who had an extramarital affair.
  • A North American wife would feel very angry at being offered to a guest as if she were a lamb chop.
  • But a Pawnee husband of the 19th century would be enraged by any man who dared to ask his wife for water.
  • An Ammassalik Inuit husband finds it perfectly honorable to offer his wife to a stranger, but only once. He would be angry to find his wife and guest having a second encounter.
  • A century ago, a Toda husband in India would not feel angry at all because Todas allow both husband and wife to take lovers. However, both spouses would feel angry if one of them had a sneaky affair, without announcing it publicly.

 In most cultures people feel angry in response to insult and the violation of social rules. But they often disagree about what an insult is or what the correct rule should be. Here we have four different cultures lined up on the political spectrum in their attitudes towards hospitality and sexuality.

The most extreme right wing is the Pawnee Indian who draws the line at talk at the well. In the center right is a Yankee husband who is outraged at his wife having a martial affair. But on the liberal side of the spectrum we have the Inuit who draws the line not at having an affair, but at having sex twice. The Toda, the most radical has no problem extramarital sex. The problem is if it is done in an underhanded manner.

History of the Emotions

Broadly speaking, it used to be that emotions were experienced as being invasion from the sacred world given to us by the goddesses and gods. It was only at the beginning of the 18th century that emotions were thought of as originating from some part of the mind or the body. After 1860 emotions were seen as cultural, universal, inclusive of all species, biological, physiological and hard-wired.

What does it mean that emotions have a history? Does it mean that new emotions emerge in different historical periods? To say this is to challenge universalis ideas of emotions being static or possibly circulating in different historical periods. In my book Lucifer’s Labyrinth I follow Elias’ description of how differences from the Middle Ages to Early Modern Europe produced new sets of emotional reactions.

Emotions in the Middle Ages

As Elias says, people in the Middle Ages lived a life that was intense, brutal and short. They lived life to the fullest with the time they had. Their psychological life alternated between sensory saturation and religious mortification about what they had done. Middle Age people were more violent and could tolerate more pain. As Elias said, they live their life between the super-ego and the id. The ego was less developed.

The warrior class in the Middle Ages could be characterized as courageous, impetuous, wild, cruel and living in the present. But when these warriors were forced into the courts by the king and the merchants, they had to adapt themselves to court life. Above all, they needed to control themselves. Now their characteristics included being prudent, restrained, self-contained, timely, refined, more humane and more gossipy. Their every mood required foresight for the future, hindsight into the past (people they may have offended) and insight and self-reflection to make sure their behavior was not offensive. So within a century, the emotional life of one class significantly changed.

Emotional life in the Baroque and the 18th century

There are also major differences in the emotions between the Baroque 17th century aristocrats and the 18thcentury merchants during the Enlightenment. The aristocrats of the 17th century had superiority complexes, were preoccupied with “keeping up with the Jones” and cultivated a cool nonchalant attitude. On the other hand, some 18th century merchants strove openly to be happy, and were motivated by their quest for serenity. Their emotions were controlled by reason, not so much by what was expected of them. The emotional life between the aristocrats and merchants differed in many other areas such as attitude toward the senses; attitude towards pain; attitude towards animals; bodily conduct; sleeping patterns and attitude towards dying.

From honor and glory to avarice and ambition: warriors vs merchants

As we’ve said, the values of aristocrats in Europe were honor and glory. But for the merchants in the 18thcentury these values would not do. As Albert Hirschman traces a movement from glory and honor to “interests” in his book Reason and Society in the Middle Ages, Alexander Murray tells the story of how these values were undermined by two new values: avarice and ambition. Both these motivations were despised by all classes in the Middle Ages. But with the rise of merchants there was a slow process by which avarice and ambition were changed from vices to virtues, which supported merchant capitalism

Emotional life of Romantics: late 18th to mid 19th century

Lastly, in the 18th century with the rise of romanticism, early romantics had a new attitude toward the emotions which differed drastically from the Enlighteners. Lionel Trigger in his book Sincerity, points out that with romanticism came new emotions: the importance of being sincere and the importance of being authentic. Being sincere was the exact opposite to the aristocratic of haughtiness and masquerading. It meant saying what you meant and meaning what you said. Being authentic came out of the romantic notion that everyone had a true self as opposed to the roles both aristocrats and merchants had to play. Being authentic meant showing people your true self. Sincerity and authenticity were hugely important to humanistic psychology in the 1960s and 1970s.

Summing Up: Evolution to an Emotion

We are now finally in a position to describe the evolution to an emotion. The first step, or point zero, is an external event that triggers the emotion. Let’s say you work as a cook in a restaurant and your ex shows up for dinner with her new boyfriend.

  • Physiological state of arousal:
    • Physiological – sweaty palms, racing heart, dry mouth
    • Feelings – confusion, frustration, pain, discomfort
  • Internalized socio-cultural, class and historical forces
    • Type of society – industrial capitalist
    • Social class – all working class
    • Cross-cultural – Mexican American; Italian
    • Gender – heterosexual – man – woman
    • Point in history – 21st century crumbling Yankee empire
  • Cognitive appraisal
    • Automatic thoughts; cognitive interpretations; explanatory styles
    • Assumptions – all this from the cognitive psychology of Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck
  • Analogical messages
    • Gestures, posture, clothing
  • Situational constraints
    • You are working and you can’t leave
  • Display rules and emotional work
    • What feelings do you have to show that you don’t have?
    • What feelings do you have that you can’t show?
  • Emotional impression
    • Hurt, anger, fear, jealousy, disappointment, relief
  • Emotional expression
    • Optional
    • Act like you don’t care

Under normal circumstances which are routine, all eight of these steps could be processed in less than ten seconds because of years of practice. But because of the unusualness of this particular circumstance, our poor cook may take days to process what the situation means and what array of emotions he has.

As we have seen, the cognitive theory of the emotions has revolutionized the theory of emotions by arguing that emotions come from thoughts. But cognitive psychology implies that the individual makes up their own mind about which emotions they have. In the evolution to an emotion steps, the second step is entirely missing. A communist theory of the emotions would have social, cultural, class and historical mediators in place.

The hardest step for people in capitalist society to understand about this evolution is the second step. How could internalized socio-cultural, historical and class forces be inside of people rather than outside? Wouldn’t these forces come later, at the end?

The inclusion of step two attacks the idea that emotions are private, inside people and under their control. A communist theory of the emotions says that emotions are not private. They are products of a particular type of society, a particular social class, a particular kind of culture existing in a certain point in history. All these forces exist prior to the time you were born and they are socialized into you by your caretakers mostly unconsciously, especially in the first five years. The initial internalized socio-cultural, class and historical conditions are inside you whether you like it or not. That is our fate.

Later, as we mature, we become more active in dialectically reciprocating with these forces so that our class status might change. We might go to live in a different country (culture) or go to live in a socialist society. We might work as economic advisors to contribute to the world historical economy shifting Eastward in the 21st century. Whereas fate are the conditions that we are given when we are born, destiny is what we make of those conditions. However, even if you are active on all these fronts, step two is the infrastructural plumbing of all emotions and its creates and sustains all the steps that follow. The content of the infrastructural plumbing may change, but the presence of a plumbing infrastructure will not.

What Capitalism Can Do to Our Emotions

Capitalist psychology splits the individual from his social, cultural, historical and class identity. Then it takes the stripped-down, isolated, alienated individual as human nature as its point of departure. Most every psychological problem is rooted in the chaotic and contradictory interactions of the four systems as they interact.

Alienation Under Capitalism

Alienation is the inversion of subject and object, creation and creator. It is a reversal of ends and means so that the means acquire a life if their own.

Members of capitalist society are alienated in:

  • the products of their labor;
  • the process of producing the products;
  • the other people they are producing with;
  • the power settings in which the product is distributed;
  • the biophysical environment; and
  • their self-identity

The products of their labor: commodity fetishism: hoarding, manic consumption

Marx talked about how under capitalism commodities acquire a life of their own, and become disengaged from the situation which produced them. Commodities, rather than becoming a means to an end for living, become an end in itself. Erich Fromm defined a particular kind of pathology which he called the hoarding mentality and the marketing pathology in which people are obsessed with the accumulation of commodities. The emotional life of a consumer is anxious and destabilized because their identity is centered around the acquisition of new commodities, whether they need them or not. Most capitalist psychologists treat accumulation of commodities and capitalist mania for accumulation as not worth identifying as a pathology as it’s not even in the diagnostic manual.

The process of producing the products: insecurity, anxiety, exhaustion            

Under capitalism, the workday has lengthened from 40 to at least 50 hours of work in the last 50 years. There is less security about having a job and the average worker is more likely to have two jobs with no benefits. For workers a job is just something to put up with. Life begins when an individual has leisure time. Work under capitalism still possesses a religious root as a way to repent from original sin. This adds extra distress for workers during a recession or a depression when workers cannot find a job but blame themselves for not having a good “work ethic.”

Other people they are producing with: competitive anxiety anti-group mentalityAlmost a hundred years ago neo-Freudian Karen Horney claimed that it was competition between workers and between workers and other social classes that produced anxiety. As I mentioned in my article What is Social Psychology Part II, that groups under capitalism are treated as:

  • no more than the sum of individuals;
  • less than the sum of individuals;
  • an entity that has a super-personally separate life from individuals.

To give you an example of the third framework, when people join a group at work, they often dissolve into it. They reify the group. They make the group a thing, above and beyond anything they can control. When an individual withdraws from the group, the group is renounced as a resource, as the individual believes their problems are so precious that no one could possibly understand them.

When the individual tolerates the members of a group, the individual renounces the capacity of the member being tolerated to change. The tolerating member does not consider that other members might be restless also, and they are not alone in putting up with members who are hard to manage. When individuals rebel against the group, they assume that other group members are conservative, never change or are stuck in their ways. If the individual tries to dominate the group, the dominating individual renounces their ability to get what they want through the collective creativity of the group. What withdrawing, toleration, rebelling or dominating have in common is that they are zero-sum game, with winners and losers.  The best example of a group that is treated as less than the sum of individuals, is in the Lord of the Flies novel. A group being less than the sum of individuals exists in the hyper-conservative imagination of Gustave Le Bon in his books about crowds, or in mass media’s depiction of mass behavior during natural disasters where crowds develop a hive mentality.

The power-setting in which the product is distributed: apathy, myopia

Unions in the United States gave up a long time ago providing a vision for workers in terms of having a say in the decision making on the job. This leads to apathy. In addition, the specialization of labor discourages understanding what is going on in the entire production process. People do their job over and over and know nor care what is going on in other parts of the production process. “That’s none of my business”.

Alienation from nature: physical deterioration shortening life-span

This form of alienation under capitalism has reached a currant volatile form in the areas of pollution extreme weather. John Bellamy Foster has called this a “metabolic rift” between humanity and nature. Air pollution worsened breathing for people with lung problems and added new physical problems. Extreme weather has made both winter and summer conditions hazardous almost everywhere in Yankeedom. The lack of state planning over Covid has either killed millions of people or given them Long-Covid. The United States life span has declined 2.7 years since Covid began. The US is the worst at managing Covid, having the highest number of infections and deaths. Environmental psychologists have long known that getting out into nature reduces stress and has long-term benefits. But thanks to capitalism, communing with a nature which is unpolluted is getting harder and harder to find.

Alienation from self: the illusion of free will under capitalism – depression

Capitalist psychology assumes people are fundamentally selfish, as if we individuals are like Hobbes’ atoms, greedy, insensitive, grasping and mindlessly crashing into each other. Whether it is Freud’s ego or the behavioral motivation of pain or pleasure, individuals’ primary motivation is self-interest.

Under capitalism individuals have supposed “free will”, meaning they may more or less freely choose their situations.  Religious institutions, educational expectations, economic and political propaganda, legitimation techniques, mystification and collusion in the end have no bearing on what happens. In spite of everything, free will wins over the type of society we are raised in, our social class, our culture or the historical period in which we live. With these unrealistic expectations about freedom, the individual is likely to internalize the real-life constraints and blame themselves for their less than idyllic life.

For a communist psychology, all these forms of socio-political control affect free will. While none of these processes by themselves or even all together determine a person’s free will, the options people choose to exercise are significantly constrained.

Capitalists eternalize capitalist relations                                                      

Capitalists eternalize alien relations under capitalism and treat them as if they were always there. They project how people learn, think, emote and remember under capitalism into other historical periods. For example, they present narcissism, attention-deficit disorders or manic-depression as present in tribal or state civilizations just as much as they are under capitalism.

Emotions under Communism                                                                   

Everything that follows is based on the real experience of workers in worker cooperatives, behavior in natural disasters and workers’ experiences in revolutionary situations. These emotional states represent communists at their very bestrather than all the time. Under communism people are seen as primarily collectively creative. This is demonstrated in practice when workers are given the opportunity to operate cooperatives, create workers’ councils in revolutionary situations or even how they behave during natural disasters. Selfishness is a product of capitalism and not the primary way human beings operate. Consuming commodities are a means to an end. There is no hoarding or manic consumption in communism since the primary identity of a worker is fulfilled on the job because they love their work.

Workers are not anxious or insecure about work because there is more than enough work for everyone. The number of hours of work per day will shrunk because technology, no longer controlled by capitalist, is available to do mechanized part of the work, leaving people more time for the creative parts of the job.

Social unconscious: recalling the great moments in revolutionary situations

For a communist psychology, what is unconscious, at least for the working class is a “social” unconscious. It is the repressed memory of the human past, dead labor, that causes this individual to have “social amnesia” and not care about their own history. However, when the collective-creative memory is revived, out pours the wisdom that has accumulated from revolutionary situations: the heroic stance of the Paris Commune; the heroism of Russian factory councils and the workers’ self-management experiments in Spain from 1936-1939.  To make this social unconscious conscious is to make the working class shapers of history rather than just being a product of it.

Pro-group basis of communist psychology 

In all these examples the group attitude under capitalism is a whole never more than the sum of its parts. The goal of communist psychology is to cultivate a “social” individual who gradually comes to see the activity of building and sustaining groups as the key to emotional health. Even though in socialist psychology, the group as a whole is more than the sum of its parts, the group is still the creation of concrete individuals. The group has no mystical identity floating above individuals. While there is no group without individuals, through the collective creativity of members, the group acquires a synergy whose products are more than what any individual can do by themselves. A communist psychology creates these win-win situations through cooperation.

A socialist psychological group challenges people who withdraw or dissolve into the group by asking what the group can do to give then what they want. The group confronts those who tolerate others by asking them why they are putting up with other members – what would need to happen for things to be different. To those who rebel the group asks “what are you rebelling against and how could we change things to make the group more attractive to you?”. To those who try to dominate the group, socialist group therapy does not moralize against dominators. We simply say that you are losing out on the collective creativity of others by trying to subjugate them.

Our job involves exposing the unconscious commonalities between people that lie beneath our individual differences. It means making a long-term commitment based on the belief that the commonalities between most working-class and middle-class people far outweigh our differences.

The idea is that if you learn to build the collective power of a one group, you can then go out into the world and change it by your newfound capacity to change groups wherever we go, now and into the future. Learning how to change groups through the collective creative capacity of the group moves us from being products of history to being co-producers of it. A rich, co-creative group life is the key to emotional well-being under communism.


Under capitalism we have an emotional life with elements that include hoarding, manic consumption, narcissism, short-attention span, insecurity, anxiety, exhaustion, apathy, myopia, unnecessary physical deterioration, a shortened lifespan and depression. Under communism people are relaxed, serene, enthusiastic, creative, and happy and that goes with the research on happiness described earlier in this article.

About the author

Bruce Lerro has taught for over 25 years as an adjunct Professor of Psychology at Golden Gate University, Dominican University and Diablo Valley College in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has applied a Vygotskian socio-historical perspective to the three books he’s written, found on Amazon. He is a co-founder and editor of Planning Beyond Capitalism.

Fascism: The “F Word” For Capitalism

Even if corporatism didn’t mean quite the same thing back when Benito popularized the now over-used label of fascism it still, then and now, referred to capitalism. Currently being used by neo-liberals the way neo-conservatives use socialism, to ignorantly describe what they don’t like or understand, the stupidity and animosity being provoked is exactly what we don’t need in a time that calls for Americans to come together and actually create a democratic nation, but just as much for the dominated world to do the same before not only America but the world itself suffers damage beyond what is survivable.

While American ears ring with what can justifiably be labeled the over-used term “hate speech” that finds evangelical Christians, alleged white supremacists, members of the working class and people whose only experience of college is cleaning its toilets or delivering it consumer goods all roundly decried as fascist. This by neo-liberal college graduates whose prime mental acuity is having hopefully been toilet trained. As if this isn’t enough, neo-conservatives with brains shrunk smaller than their nipples by the same media scream socialism and communism at any attempt to see that people are able to find food, clothing and shelter without having to murder foreigners or cripple neighbors. An election looms in which lesser evilism has never been more blatant as supposed democracy with people reduced to panic over Putin/Trump babble on the one hand and charges of Marxism on the other, these being programmed by alleged civic leaders frequently less informed than their followers but possessed of the tools of mass induced ignorance: major and minor anti-social media and supposed democratic government involving the richest hired upper-class government servants ever before purchased by ruling wealth.

8% of Americans are millionaires, multi-millionaires and billionaires, yet large portions of the 92% relatively helpless majority are programmed to proclaim “our” democracy in the way that the house Negros of slavery days might have claimed “our” plantation. * They certainly lived much more comfortable lives than the field Negros but were no more than domestic slaves taught to keep their lower-ranked field slaves quiet in times of stress. That’s the economic position of average Americans compared to those who buy, rent and own the state which does their bidding, only making some room for the house negro citizens of any and all skin tones, sexual preferences and religions when it fits their plans and avoids uprisings or revolutions. Thus, social democracy, like what followed the Second World War to protect some set-upon members of the population but has been in a state of collapse since the 1970s.

As for our democracy, the first president of this nation was elected by a handful of property-owning slavers, Indian killers and other ruling-class members, while more recent elections involve far more voters but with far fewer powers than our original ancestors, possessing neither property nor any real rights until they conducted a small rebellion when the constitution reflected the religion of markets and property owners with no place for the majority who enjoyed neither labeling. In fact, Shays rebellion may have been not only an early cry for equality in America but also the most successful at reform, making it necessary to add amendments to the ruling power’s constitution that at least paid lip service to equality with what was called the Bill of Rights, though the full document continues to legalize wrongs up to the present moment.

While alleged news reporting on the Russia-Ukraine conflict makes the average comic book or TV sitcom seem like doctoral-study realism, USA and its western lapdogs of NATO threaten nuclear war while screeching Putin is about to take over the planet and force-feed everyone piroshki.

That moment finds the sinking USA global ruling class blindly flailing at the world in a death rattle that could drown out all life and limb unless Americans come to their senses or the rest of the world, led by China and Russia, exert non-nuclear force to bring the beast under control before it destroys everything.

At present, Russia is conducting what our stenography class of alleged news reporters label a “brutal” war on Ukraine. This is unlike the loving, gentle, considerate ways in which we make war, splitting skulls, reducing bodies to bloody pulp and burning people to death in assaults all over the Middle East and Europe over the period after the Second World War. That historic bloodbath has been reduced in popular conception to the slaughter of only one group of Europeans, Jews, but all euros were allegedly rescued by D-day. That’s when the allied powers, Britain assisting the USA, finally acceded to Russia’s desperate request to open up a second front in the east as Russians were being murdered in the tens of millions. In fact, the Russian counterattack was so successful many believe the use of nuclear weapons was to destroy Japan before Russia got into the war against Japan, which it soon did after destroying Germany.

While alleged news reporting on the Russia-Ukraine conflict makes the average comic book or TV sitcom seem like doctoral-study realism, USA and its western lapdogs of NATO threaten nuclear war while screeching Putin is about to take over the planet and force-feed everyone piroshkies. * This as America approaches the mass marketing election mall which puts the two parties owned by capital against one another pitting identity group people against therapy group people with a potential outcome to further savage all the American people.

Meanwhile, neo-liberals desperately attempt to put Trump in prison so that he might become the first American president elected from the slam or at least trigger the supposed civil war brewing between vidiots, online junkies and their stark-raving mad leadership. If charges of alleged rape don’t get him, watch for his public shaming at leaving the seat up in the toilet as a privileged class cause even greater chasms between the overwhelming majority of distressed Americans and the small and shrinking group who can afford luxury animal health care and personal therapy while clipping their coupon bonds and planning their next vacation.

The lesser evil global capitalist trend has obviously been from the east, which is acting like the post depression “new deal” by comparison to the frenzied return to market forces fanaticism of the west. With all its inherent wretchedness of dependence on private profit before the public good and with all the flourishing criticism born of the obvious to most breakdowns of the social and natural world, that eastern pressure must increase and grow to ultimately help lead to ending the destructive forces of capital once and for all. Some 70 years before the Russian revolution and nearly 100 before the Chinese, Marx, Engels and others back in the 19th century clearly forecast the long-range danger for humanity ruled by the private and anti-public values of capitalism and we need to see what should be far, far, far more obvious in present day reality.

Seeing a forest as lumber and seashore as real estate is part of the process of treating people and all other aspects of nature as profit making market commodities. No matter how benign and humane the proprietor of a business may be or seem, if all depends on private profit humanity will show the loss and that loss now threatens to be almost infinitely beyond what Marx and Engels foresaw. International humanity needs to hurry and transform political economics to lead in the right direction for the human race and not just American, Chinese, Russian, or other capital. All of us or none of us? We’d better believe it, and more importantly, act on it.

About the Author

Hailing from the San Francisco Bay area, Frank Scott is not hesitant to sound off exactly what he thinks and believes, and he doesn’t beat around the bush. Mark Twain could be like that. So could Albert Einstein, both calmly speaking truth to power and making the corrupt elites squirm and look down at their shoes, avoiding the searing white light of unvarnished reality.  Frank’s columns can be found at legalienate ( ).

This article was originally published in Greanville Post.

Americans Continue to Lose Access to Clean Drinking Water

Recently Jackson, Mississippi became the latest location in a series of crippling American water infrastructure problems across the country. Clean drinking water is becoming increasingly difficult to access for some Americans.

A video posted by Molly Minta on Friday reveals just how bad things have gotten in Belhaven. She took to Twitter, sharing video of what appears to be black coffee coming out of the water faucet. This comes just two weeks after a state of emergency was declared as a result of flooding impacting water treatment infrastructure.

Unsafe Drinking Water Continues

Image by

As stomach churning as this phenomenon is, unfortunately more and more Americans are becoming acquainted with coffee-colored, unsafe drinking water. If we zoom out and look at the water infrastructure problem in the US with a span of years, instead of weeks, we can begin to see a pattern emerge.

Despite touting $100 Million being awarded to Michigan to combat the Flint Water crisis, which began in 2014. Flint Michigan residents still are dealing with the fallout from the crisis, some do not have access to drinking water 8 years after becoming aware of the crisisEven though Michigan state touts “compliance” with federal regulations, things are not always as they seem.

According to the State of Michigan website:

Flint Water Quality Update

Since July 2016, the city of Flint’s water system has met state and federal standards for lead in drinking water for 12 consecutive monitoring periods. The latest six-month round of monitoring shows Flint’s 90th percentile at 10 parts per billion (ppb), below the requirement of 15 ppb. Flint has conducted excavations to determine service line material composition at approximately 95 percent of the residential locations.

On paper, this seems like great news. Couple this with a guarantee to replace lead tainted pipes for free, one might conclude that the problem is over. Unfortunately, Flint residents are still facing challenges getting safe drinking water. Just as recently as 2019, Flint Residents were receiving water filters which seemed to only add to the frustrations as PBS Frontline had reported, indicating that despite the political PR campaigns by the Environmental Protection Agency, scientists are not convinced the problem is solved.

The study Frontline references in their reporting tested water samples from both Detroit and Flint Michigan. Below is a short summary of their methodology, results, and conclusion.

Methods & Materials: 10 homes in Flint with suspected cases of infection had water collected from the sink with the filter on, off, and from the shower. 10 Detroit homes were used as controls; water was collected from the kitchen sink and shower as only 1 out of 10 homes had a filter. 100 mL sterile cups were used for water collection.

Results: Results of Flint samples are shown in Table 1. No pathogens were detected from Detroit water. Residents of 7/10 homes in Flint had severe pneumonia, 1 sepsis, and 1 folliculitis. 5/10 patients died.

Conclusion: The results of this study showed that even two years after switch of the water back to Huron Lake, Flint municipal water showed high levels of pathogens. These results have important implications for immune compromised patients, and other cities with aging infrastructure where PoU filters are being considered.

Additionally, just as recently as a month ago, Michigan Live reported that the lead levels in Flint water are rising. Yes, in 2022, a full 8 years after the crisis hit the mainstream. They attribute this to performing a higher volume of tests, which is not exactly reassuring. Simply put, ensuring Americans have access to clean drinking water is an afterthought of both Democratic and Republican administrations.

The Buck Stops with the United States Government

Image: Former President Barrack Obama drinks a glass of filtered water for a Public Relations campaign in the midst of the Flint Water Crisis, 2016

Despite all the public relations campaigns done by the Environmental Protection Agency, the State of Michigan, or from Presidents like Barrack Obama, the issue of clean drinking water still needs to be addressed in 2022, and must be addressed immediately.

The problem is often times a political choice, not a financial one. There is plenty of funds to fix the water crisis in the United States. Just how much is $100 Million from the EPA anyway? To put this into perspective, we could compare this to aid spending in Ukraine. The United States government is simply prioritizing strategic interests in Ukraine over, as has been the case for over half a century.

As just as recent as July, the United States had already committed $2.2 billion worth of security assistance to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. This is only military equipment, however. In May, Congress passed an additional $40 billion in aid for Ukraine. The New York Times broke down these aid packages as follows:

Ukraine Aid Breakdown – Credit New York Times

Even as we enter the middle of September 2022, the United States is sending additional aid to Ukraine at an alarming pace, including an additional $3 Billion given as recent as 12 days ago.

With all these numbers thrown at you, it becomes difficult to keep track of. Thankfully journalists such as Stephen Semler who are tracking the spending month-to-month, have written and compiled the various aid packages into a nice, easy-to-read article. You can read their full piece on this here.

US Navy Poisons Water – Red Hill Water Crisis

In another example of poor priorities leading to problems accessing clean drinking water, we can turn to the US Navy, in 2021, involved with an incident poisoning drinking water in Hawaii as a result of a recently installed PVC pipe. A fuel leak at a Navy fuel storage location on November 20th, 2021, contaminated drinking water for military families.

Honolulu Civil Beat provided excellent coverage of this crisis, receiving photos and video from military personnel who were concerned about the incident, showing footage of fuel leaking into the water tunnel. While the issue appears to have been caused by a PVC pipe being installed, this speaks to a larger issue of why the US Navy is storing hazardous materials close enough to a water source in the first place. A single PVC installation should not poison hundreds of residents.

Journalist Abby Martin also took to YouTube a month after the crisis to do a deep dive into how the United States Navy attempted to cover up the incident.

The Biden Administration is Negligent

Although infrastructure problems span multiple administrations, and Republicans and Democrats have both shown to prioritize military spending over clean drinking water, Biden is the current commander in chief. The buck stops with him, the Senate, and the House.

The residents of Jackson Mississippi do not want to end up like Flint Michigan, 8 years later still experiencing problems, with additional health issues being caused by the “solutions” of the local government through the use of unsafe filters. The time to pressure local, state, and national representatives to stop sending our money overseas, and to resolve our problems at home is now.

The last few decades are ample evidence of the ineptitude of both Democrats and Republicans, being unable to provide basic needs to sustain human life. The basis of clean drinking water is step one for any functional society. To the current administration, clean water is not the priority.

This article was originally published on Red Street Journal’s SubStack.

Not A Bluff: Negotiate to Prevent Nuclear War

Photo: People hold flags of the Russian Federation and Donetsk People’s Republic, along with a banner reading “We do not abandon our own” during a rally in support of the Donbass region joining the Russia in Moscow, Russia, 23 September 2022.

Last week, the Russian Federation Council voted unanimously to accept the outcome of referendums by the citizens of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhe, which had voted overwhelmingly to become parts of Russia. According to the Russian TASS news agency, residents of these regions have until the end of October to reject, if they so please, their new Russian citizenship, the first stage in a gradual transition slated to stretch until January 1st, 2026. On October 6th, Konstantin Vorontsov, head of the Russian Delegation to the UN, reiterated that Russia considers the referendums legitimate under UN principles.

RELATED: Ukraine Referendum To Join Russia Ends In Donetsk

Prior to the referendums, Russian officials had warned that Russia remains committed to protecting all of its territories and citizens. Putin promised that Russia would “use all the means at our disposal” to these achieve these ends. The governor of Ukrainian-occupied Lugansk explained, “if this is all declared Russian territory, they can declare that this is a direct attack on Russia so they can fight without any reservations.” Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev agreed, stating on Telegram, “encroachment onto Russian territory is a crime which allows you to use all the forces of self–defense. This is why these referendums are so feared in Kyiv and the West.”

Putin’s statements in particular were viewed as a nuclear threat by Western media outlets and diplomats. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned that such “nuclear rhetoric” would result in “severe consequences for Russia.” He later declared that a Russian victory in Ukraine would also be a defeat for NATO, expecting to aid Ukraine for “the long haul.” National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has continued to escalate the nuclear rhetoric, telling Meet the Press: “If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States will respond decisively.” Secretary of State Anthony Blinken meanwhile, has announced new sanctions that the US State Department says will “hold to account any individual, entity, or country that provides political or economic support” for recognition of the new Russian regions.

President Biden quickly rejected the referendums as fraudulent and in violation of international law. Biden addressed Putin directly, telling the Russian president that the United States would “defend every single inch of NATO territory” (a cryptic remark, given Ukraine is not part of NATO, nor was any NATO member state threatened). Was Biden referring to Ukraine as an unofficial NATO territory? Was he promising a counterstrike should Russia choose attack a NATO state that has been arming and aiding Ukraine’s Kiev regime? Biden compared today’s elevated threat of nuclear war to that of the Cuban Missile Crisis and spoke of “the prospect of Armageddon.”

In May, the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) issued a memorandum addressed to President Biden regarding the potential for nuclear war posed by the Ukraine conflict, drawing a “direct parallel” between it and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The memorandum characterizes Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine as a response to the existential threat posed to Russia by US and NATO meddling in Ukraine. In this context, according to VIPS, Putin’s warning about Russia’s nuclear capability should be viewed as a means of deterrence, not a sign of bellicosity. The writers compare American and NATO military infrastructure in Ukraine to the Soviet Union’s deployment of nuclear missiles to its ally Cuba in 1962.

At the onset of the SMO, many Western anti-imperialists or anti-war voices found ourselves caught off-guard, having ignored Russia’s serious warnings over their security concerns with Ukraine in favor of criticizing Western media’s coverage of the tension as demonizing Russia for their own war agendas. While Western media and politicians of course demonize Russia by presenting the SMO as “unprovoked”, Moscow has shown that it is extremely serious about the security concern posed by Ukraine and Kiev’s utilization by the US and NATO for a proxy war. We cannot again take lightly Putin’s resolute comments about Russia’s intent to defend its citizens.

While the Pentagon has stated they have no reason to believe Russia is mobilizing for a nuclear attack, these exchanges are alarming to peaceful working people who would prefer to live their lives without the threat of nuclear annihilation hanging overhead. However, it is important to look back farther than recent weeks to contextualize the nuclear discussion as it relates to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO). Before the SMO began, on February 21st, the Kremlin Security Council discussed the situation in the Donbass. At that time, Defense Minister Shoigu expressed concern about Ukraine’s nuclear desires and abilities, referencing a statement by Zelensky from two days earlier.

Zelensky told the Munich Security Council, “Ukraine has received security guarantees for abandoning the world’s third nuclear capability [in 1991]. We don’t have that weapon. We also have no security.” He lamented that Lugansk and Donetsk have been “lost” from Ukraine’s territory, seeming to imply that this was due to Russian aggression and the lack of a nuclear weapon or security guarantees, rather the regions choosing to secede after the 2014 Euromaidan coup. He continued, “therefore, we have something. The right to demand a shift from a policy of appeasement to ensuring security and peace guarantees.” While perhaps not a blatant request for nuclear weapons, it certainly presents them as an option for Ukrainian security.

According to Minister Shoigu, as part of the Soviet Union, the USSR established resources to build nuclear weapons within Ukraine, while other Soviet weapons and infrastructure left in Ukraine could be used to launch such a weapon. Russia has estimated that Ukraine has the equipment and technology to create a nuclear weapon, but also specialists capable of doing so. Shoigu advised that Ukraine’s nuclear specialists’ capabilities are “far greater than those of Iran and North Korea – the countries which are discussed at all levels in the context of agreements on their de-nuclearisation.”

The desire for Ukraine to regain nuclear status is not a new proposal, but one that was expressed on the website of the Azov Battalion – an explicitly neo-Nazi, anti-Russian military regiment responsible for war crimes and human rights violations, as documented by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In an interview archived on the WayBack Machine, Vladyslav Sobolevsky, a former chief of staff of Azov battalion was asked about his ultimate political ambition. His response: “I want Ukraine to have nuclear weapons,” adding, “and I want to return Crimea.” He called nuclear capability “the shield and the sword that will allow our state to develop in any version of the foreign policy situation.”

Photo: Members of Ukraine’s explicitly neo-Nazi National Guard regiment, the Azov Battalion, pose with NATO and Nazi flags.

In March, European media outlet Modern Diplomacy analyzed the risk posed by these violent ultranationalist forces. They report, “from the very beginning of the special operation, the Kyiv regime has been strategically utilizing this threat to nuclear facilities, done for the purpose of creating anti-Russian propaganda in the eyes and ears of a global audience.” After Russia took control of the Zaporozhe nuclear power facility in early March, Kiev and Moscow blamed each other for a fire that broke out there due to shelling. As it is not clear why Russia would target a plant it had control over or why they would want to create a nuclear emergency in an area they were bringing their troops into, Ukraine seems to be the actual culprit. As the SMO continued, more reports surfaced of Ukrainian forces, particularly but not exclusively Azov, using civilians as human shields and occupying civilian infrastructure in order to create the perception that Russia was targeting civilians. Modern Diplomacy recaled that Adolf Hitler repeatedly stated that if the Nazi regime is defeated, Germany and its people should also be destroyed. “If the German people are not ready to make efforts for their own survival, fine: then they must disappear,” he told his confidants in January 1942. In March 1945, when it was clear that he would soon be defeated, he ordered that all German infrastructure should be destroyed. Modern Diplomacy concluded, “there is real concern in Russia that a threat of ‘last resort’ by right-wing radicals cannot be ruled out in Ukraine. […] That the West refuses to acknowledge this even as a potentiality does not mean Russian concern should be disregarded.”

In August, Igor Vishnevetsky, Russia’s Deputy Director of the Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control, continued to express Russia’s concerns about a nuclear threat to the UN Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. He warned that NATO poses a nuclear threat to Russia, as, “US nuclear weapons are stationed in non-nuclear NATO countries and training activities aimed at practicing the use of these weapons involve the bloc’s non-nuclear members.” He called for the withdrawal of US nuclear weapons to US territory, the dismantling of nuclear deployment infrastructure in Europe, and an end to NATO nuclear missions. Of course, the US and NATO have not complied.

As Putin announced the mobilization of Russia’s military reserves to defend the annexed regions, he reiterated that this conflict began with US and NATO aggression, deliberately turning Ukrainians into “cannon fodder” for their proxy war against Russia. He affirmed that Russia will use all weapons systems to defend its territorial integrity, stating clearly, “This is not a bluff.”

In his letter to President Kennedy to initiate secret negotiations that would end the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev wrote:

Mr. President, we and you ought not now to pull on the ends of the rope in which you have tied the knot of war, because the more the two of us pull, the tighter that knot will be tied. And a moment may come when that knot will be tied so tight that even he who tied it will not have the strength to untie it, and then it will be necessary to cut that knot, and what that would mean is not for me to explain to you, because you yourself understand perfectly of what terrible forces our countries dispose. Consequently, if there is no intention to tighten that knot and thereby to doom the world to the catastrophe of thermonuclear war, then let us not only relax the forces pulling on the ends of the rope, let us take measures to untie that knot. We are ready for this.

It seems that the only representative from the US who has yet reached out to steer the world away from this escalating crisis by initiating negotiations is Elon Musk, who reached out to Putin before tweeting a suggestion for a peace proposal between Ukraine and Russia. Vice reported that Musk told Ian Bremmer that “everything need to be done” to avoid a nuclear outcome. His proposal was not to accept the referendums, but to redo them under UN supervision. Russia praised Musk for looking for a peaceful solution, in contrast to the other “professional diplomats” in the West, and has continued to encourage Ukraine to negotiate.

Instead of instilling fear in the hearts of civilians by continuing to declare their intention to continue the war while refusing to consider any Russian demands as legitimate, Biden and US officials must stow their power-hungry egos and follow Musk’s lead to “untie the knot.” A refusal to recognize these territories as Russian and to encourage Ukraine’s forces to attack them is another sharp pull on the rope closer to nuclear conflict. It is time to enter negotiations with Russia to recognize the referendums of the Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporozhe, stop arms shipments and diplomatic support for a continued war, and end the sanctions ravaging Europe.